Tonight's Movie: Flavor of Green Tea Over Rice (1952)
As I wrote last month when I reviewed the new documentary IN SEARCH OF OZU (2018), I've been trying out the FilmStruck streaming service.
FilmStruck appeals to me because it has classic film content not currently available elsewhere, such as the aforementioned Ozu documentary and a number of "not on Region 1 DVD" titles from the great Japanese director.
One of those films is FLAVOR OF GREEN TEA OVER RICE (1952), known in Japan as OCHAZUKE NO AJI. Though I own some other Ozu films which I've yet to see, I've been particularly wanting to see this one simply because the title is so intriguing, and happily I was able to watch it on FilmStruck.
It's a bit different from other Ozu films I've seen, focusing more on the intricacies of a marriage than on other aspects of family life. The frequent Ozu theme of a young girl being pressured by her family to become engaged is here, but it's not the main story.
Mokichi Satake (Shin Saburi) and his wife Taeko (Michiyo Kogure) have been married some years. They're quite financially comfortable thanks to Taeko's wealthy family and Mokichi's job as an executive; indeed, their home is considerably larger than seen in other Ozu films, and they can afford a servant to do the cooking and other chores.

Taeko's niece Setsuko (Keiko Tsushima) is being pressured to meet a gentleman with marriage in mind, but she's dubious about whether she wants to marry, seeing as how Taeko doesn't seem happy. And besides, she'd rather spend time with her uncle's friend Noboru, also called "Non-chan" (Koji Tsuruta), a nice guy she feels comfortable with.

Like every other Ozu film I've seen to date, this is a wonderful movie. There's not a moment wasted in the film's 115-minute running time. Michiko Kogure was a new face for me, but the rest of the cast is filled with familiar actors from other Ozu films, including Kuniko Miyake and the ever-present Chishu Ryu.
Shin Saburi of EQUINOX FLOWER (1958) is front and center in this film. I like him tremendously as the long-suffering husband who tells his wife not to worry and apologizes even when it's clear she's being unfair. He and Kogure, in the last main sequence of the film, are simply marvelous, in a sequence which reminded me a bit of the best, final kitchen scene in BIG NIGHT (1996).
One of the constant themes of Ozu's films is the Westernization of Japan, and it's particularly fascinating here. While Setsuko and others wear nothing but Western dress, Taeko only wears traditional Japanese styles -- but what's fascinating is when she retreats to her upstairs bedroom and the door opens to a Western-style room which would fit in any English country house, with chintz-covered chairs and a bed. It's clear that Mokichi, meanwhile, continues to sleep on the floor in Japanese fashion, as we see the maid (Yoko Kosono) lay out his bed in the evening.

Films periodically rotate on and off the FilmStruck service, so anyone hoping to see this film via FilmStruck should not delay. Since it's showing on FilmStruck's "Criterion Channel," hopefully in the future it will also have a Criterion DVD and Blu-ray release in the U.S.
Like every other Ozu film I've seen to date, this movie is very much recommended viewing.
Previously reviewed Ozu films: LATE SPRING (1949), EARLY SUMMER (1951), TOKYO STORY (1953), EQUINOX FLOWER (1958), GOOD MORNING (1959), LATE AUTUMN (1960), and THE END OF SUMMER (1961).