
Monday, February 19, 2007

Cookies for a Rainy President's Day

It's been a rainy holiday here in Southern California, so it seemed like the perfect time to try a new cookie recipe. We made Ginger Crackles from THE WEEKEND BAKER by Abigail Johnson Dodge. The cookies are pictured here on the book's cover.

The cookies were wonderful. The recipe was simple, and Dodge recommends time-saving steps throughout the book; for instance, she points out which recipes freeze well either as dough or after being cooked.

The book contains many tempting recipes, and I'm looking forward to trying more. Next up: Classic Crumb Cake?


  1. But wait. I thought it never rained in sunny California?!

  2. We could use more rain than we've been getting the last couple years, that's for sure! :)
