
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today at Disneyland: Peter Pan Screening

I took a break from work and enjoyed a beautiful time at Disneyland this morning!

The park offered annual passholders a special "Limited Time Magic" event today, a free screening of PETER PAN (1953) in the Opera House.

Although I just saw PETER PAN at the El Capitan last month, I was happy to have the chance to watch it again with friends today, and I enjoyed the novelty of watching a feature film inside the park. It was very enjoyable; my only criticism is that a projectionist seemed to be asleep at the switch, as part of the picture was below a scrim at the bottom of the screen, while there was blank space at the top of the screen. All that needed to happen for projection perfection was for someone to tip the projector up a bit.

Southern California experienced a couple cold and rainy weeks in February, but it was a gorgeous day today, a reminder that spring is just around the corner.

Here's a series of photos taken around the Hub at the center of the park:

I especially loved these tulips at Town Square:

Fantasy Faire is still behind construction walls! It officially opens on March 12th, and if possible I'm going to visit the park that day.

Photos of sketches and models of Fantasy Faire can be found in my post of February 15th.


  1. You're not going to believe this, but my daughter and I were there also! We were at the 3 PM show. There weren't any problems with our picture. We enjoyed watching with a group of people with a shared love of Disney!

  2. Oh, that's fun, Irene! We were at the first show of the day. Glad the picture was perfect for you! It was a very nice environment to watch a Disney classic. :)

    Best wishes,

  3. My special needs son Gavin resides full-time in a group home, but spends Saturdays with us. He usually obsesses on one movie on the weekends and for the past three it has been - you guessed it - "Peter Pan". No hardship for me as it's a fave.

  4. Gavin's got great taste! It's wonderful you can share things like Disney movies.

    I never realized until I saw PETER PAN at the El Capitan in January that Tom Conway is the opening narrator -- I love that! And I also love that Heather Angel was Mrs. Darling. (She was also Alice's sister in ALICE IN WONDERLAND.) Kathryn Beaumont, who voices Wendy, has one of the greatest Disney voices ever. I saw her last summer -- she is a beautiful lady and still sounds just like Wendy and Alice!

    Best wishes,
