
Sunday, March 24, 2013

Around the Blogosphere This Week

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...As I wrote in my review last January, Harold Lloyd's SAFETY LAST! (1923) has been chiefly available in a collection of Lloyd's films from New Line. The Criterion Collection will be bringing SAFETY LAST! out as a single-title DVD on June 18th. Some of the extras are duplicated from the New Line release. The wonderful cover consists simply of the iconic image of Lloyd hanging from a clock, with the Criterion symbol in the upper corner and the movie title and Lloyd's name cleverly worked into the picture.

...DreamWorks plans to remake Hitchcock's REBECCA (1940). Seriously? There have admittedly been some interesting TV adaptations -- I liked a 1979 British production with Jeremy Brett, Joanna David, and Anna Massey, because it was able to be more faithful to the book than a film of 1940 -- but news of this movie remake seems to underline once more that Hollywood so often just wants to recycle old properties instead of come up with more original work.

...I'm always delighted to share my posts with the readers at MovieFanFare at the Movies Unlimited site. My recent review of THE LAWLESS (1950), starring Macdonald Carey and Gail Russell, directed by Joseph Losey, has been adapted and posted at the MovieFanFare site. The movie is available on DVD from Olive Films.

...Last weekend I shared a link to Raquel's experience seeing Jane Powell and Leonard Maltin at a screening of ROYAL WEDDING (1951). Maltin shares his great week with Powell and Mitzi Gaynor at his blog.

...Jennifer reminisces about her grandmother's similarity to actress Marjorie Main at Virtual Virago.

...The L.A. Times' Hero Complex blog has published a brief history of 50 years of DR. WHO.

...The first great-grandchild of the late Princess Grace of Monaco, aka Grace Kelly, has been born. Princess Caroline's oldest son Andrea and his fiancee Tatiana Santo Domingo became parents of a son last Thursday.

...At Classic Movies, KC has reviewed a recently published book, Hollywood Unknowns: A History of Extras, Bit Players, and Stand-Ins, written by Anthony Slide for University Press of Mississippi. I enjoyed KC's review, and the subject matter sounds very interesting.

...Glenn Erickson has reviewed the new Olive DVD SHE DEVIL (1957), starring Jack Kelly and Mari Blanchard, at DVD Savant.

...At Another Old Movie Blog Jacqueline has posted a fascinating story on movie stars who performed at the La Jolla Playhouse. What I wouldn't give to have seen Ann Blyth and a great cast in OUR TOWN, or THE FRONT PAGE with Pat O'Brien, Michael O'Shea, and a supporting cast including Allen Jenkins and Edgar Buchanan.

...I really enjoyed Cliff's "Brief Impressions" of three films from 1934 at Immortal Ephemera.

...The TV series HOW THE WEST WAS WON is coming to DVD on July 9, 2013. As explained by TVShowsonDVD, the box labeled Season 1 consists of the TV-movie THE MACAHANS (1976) and a three-part miniseries. James Arness, Bruce Boxleitner, and Eva Marie Saint star.

...Will recently wrote an amusing post on "old movie weirdos" at Cinematically Insane.

...TCM recently announced a new ongoing "Friday Night Spotlight" series. The first month's films, focusing on "A Woman's World: The Defining Era of Women in Film," will look at women's roles in the movies from the late '30s to early '50s and will be hosted by Cher; the first night is April 5th. Different actors or film experts will host each successive month of the series, with a new theme each month.

...Lou Lumenick has interesting information on the Rohauer Library, first mentioned here in a link roundup last month.

...Posted by Karen at Shadows and Satin: "The Toughest Men and Women of Film Noir."

...Notable Passings: Metropolitan Opera singer Rise Stevens, who appeared onscreen in the films THE CHOCOLATE SOLDIER (1941) and GOING MY WAY (1944), died last Wednesday at the age of 99. She would have been 100 on June 11th...George Lowe, who was part of Edmund Hillary's 1953 expedition to conquer Everest, has passed away at the age of 89...TV writer Henry Bromell, who worked on several shows including NORTHERN EXPOSURE, has died at 65.

Have a great week!


  1. A welcome read as always. I loved the article on film buffs at CinematicallyInsane.
    And Shadowandsatin's Tough folk of Noir was so good.

  2. Thanks so much for the mention.

  3. Oh my!! How the West was Won min-series!!! I cannot wait to see that again. Haven't seen it since it aired. Richard Basehart was in it, and I remember we enjoyed it a lot at the time.

  4. Thanks for the mention. I think you would love the book!

  5. Anonymous5:32 PM

    Thanks so much for mentioning my post, Laura! Loved all your stuff -- especially the news of Princess Grace's great-grandchild . . . but not so much about the remake of Rebecca. Ew.
