That movie is THE LAWLESS, which, like TRY AND GET ME, concerns crime in a small California town; in each case the movies focus heavily on the power of the press -- for good or ill -- and mob violence. Class divisions are also touched on in each film, and both movies feature early television, though it's much more significant to the plot of THE LAWLESS.
It's also interesting to note that the two movies each also happen to have had directors who were later blacklisted and relocated their careers to England; in the case of THE LAWLESS it was Joseph Losey, while TRY AND GET ME was directed by Cy Endfield.

A nice Hispanic kid, Paul (Lalo Rios), hits a police officer in the melee, panics, and flees in a stolen ice cream truck. Matters go from bad to worse when he is caught but the police car crashes on the way back to the station, killing an officer and setting Paul once again on the run.
The local citizenry get worked up into quite a state, fed by wildly exaggerated news stories by a Stockton reporter (Lee Patrick) as well as Larry's own employee (Herbert Anderson), who has a sideline stringing for another paper. Soon there's also a TV reporter stoking the flames.
Local tensions come to a head when Larry publishes a more balanced story on Paul's background and starts a legal defense fund for the young man. The fact that Larry has a relationship with Sunny Garcia (Gail Russell), the publisher of a Spanish-language weekly paper, only inflames some of the locals more.

Carey and Russell are both favorites, and they do a fine job. Russell plays her role without attempting an accent; she is simply a Mexican-American, emphasis more on the American, who's concerned about her community. She is in some ways the gutsiest character in the movie, who serves as the voice of conscience for Larry and who refuses to abandon a newspaper office when it's stormed by a dangerous, destructive mob.

The movie has a deep cast which includes Martha Hyer, who has a single scene as Herbert Anderson's date; the great character actor Frank Ferguson, who also has one scene as a lawyer attempting to help a bunch of Hispanic boys after they're arrested; and Tab Hunter, in his first role as one of town troublemakers. The cast also includes Russ Conway, Argentina Brunetti, Maurice Jara, Walter Reed, Pedro de Cordoba, and Paul Harvey. The little girl in a single scene is Janine Perreau, part of an acting family which included her better-known sister Gigi Perreau.

Last year Greenbriar Picture Shows ran a two-part series on the film's exhibition history and more, which can be found here and here.
THE LAWLESS has been released on DVD by Olive Films.
Update: A Centennial Birthday Tribute to Macdonald Carey.
Far more restrained than Try And Get Me. As a consequence, and coming from a similar political perspective, a less contentious and more reasonable effect.