
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

TCM Classic Film Festival Preview

The 2013 TCM Classic Film Festival isn't officially underway until Thursday, April 25th, but there was still lots of festival excitement today on Hollywood Boulevard.

It was a very busy day starting with attending a press conference with TCM's Robert Osborne, Ben Mankiewicz, Charlie Tabesh, and Genevieve McGillicuddy. I took quite a few notes and plan to share some of their comments here next week.

Afterwards it was great fun to watch a few interviews being taped which will appear as introductions prior to the movies airing on TCM this weekend. It was a particular thrill to see Jane Withers and Theodore Bikel interviewed by Robert Osborne and Ban Mankiewicz, respectively.

I believe some of the interviews I saw taped today will air Thursday before THOSE MAGNIFICENT MEN IN THEIR FLYING MACHINES (1965) and BITE THE BULLET (1975), and then on Saturday night prior to GIANT (1956).

It was a particular delight today to meet several fellow classic film bloggers for the first time, as well as to renew acquaintances with others. I enjoyed a lovely lunch with Raquel of Out of the Past and Jill of Sittin' on a Backyard Fence and look forward to spending time with more of our mutual friends over the next few days. Be sure to check out Raquel's photo report on today's events!

The next few days are packed from early in the day till midnight, so most if not all of my coverage during the festival itself will be via updates and photos on Twitter in between screenings. (TCMFilmFest will also have all the latest updates!) Then I plan to share impressions of the events and films in detail next week, once the festival has concluded and I have time to reflect and write. I hope you'll enjoy experiencing a bit of the TCM Classic Film Festival via my blog, and if you're not here this year, perhaps next year will be the year!


  1. Have fun Laura! I think I'll have to skip out this year unless I drop in last minute for a weekend screening. Keep us posted.

  2. Looking forward to reading more about the festival. :)

  3. Thank you both! It was an amazing experience and I hope you'll enjoy my posts recapping the festival.

    Best wishes,
