
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Five Underrated Comedies

I was delighted to recently be asked to contribute my list of Five Underrated Comedies to the movie blog Rupert Pupkin Speaks.

For those who may not already be familiar with Rupert Pupkin Speaks, it's "all about keeping older films in the public consciousness via lists and short reviews."

My list of comedies was posted today, and I hope you'll click over to Rupert Pupkin Speaks and check it out! I wrote about some really wonderful films I'd love for more classic film fans to discover.

More detailed reviews of each of the films mentioned in my guest post can be found by searching here at Laura's Miscellaneous Musings.

Along with many eclectic lists, some of the movies reviewed recently at Rupert Pupkin Speaks are the Warner Archive releases of "Fast and..." films and Walter Pidgeon's Nick Carter trilogy. Classic film fans should make it a point to check out this site regularly.

Thanks again to Rupert Pupkin Speaks for the opportunity to share my list of favorites!


  1. Thanks for the link Laura and congrats. I wasn't familiar with that site before.

  2. I love that site! So cool to see you on it.

  3. Thanks so much, Robby and KC! It's a fun site and I loved the chance to share some little-known favorites. :)

    Best wishes,
