Tonight's Movie: Four Frightened People (1934) - A Kino Lorber Blu-ray Review
I learned at the screening back in 2015 that FOUR FRIGHTENED PEOPLE was not considered a success in its day, which led to director DeMille being "locked in" to directing epics, as his films in that genre were all very successful.
Seen from the vantage point of today, it's quite an enjoyable movie, balancing jungle excitement with a thoughtful theme of each of the four title characters' true selves being revealed via an unexpected adventure.The movie begins in exciting fashion with the four people hiding on a lifeboat: Judy (Colbert), a shy geography teacher; Arnold (Herbert Marshall), a timid scientist; Stewart (William Gargan), a brash reporter; and flighty yet determined Mrs. Mardick (Mary Boland), a society lady whose latest pet project is teaching family planning.
The foursome are escaping a deadly outbreak of bubonic plague on the steamer on which they'd been traveling. They're fortunate to meet a friendly guide (Leo Carrillo) when they go ashore, but it's a long, tough hike through the jungle to find civilization. Along the way they run into deadly snakes and other jungle animals, dangerous plants, and native tribes.The repressed Judy eventually loses her eyeglasses and most of her clothes, emerging as the ultimate "jungle babe" to tempt both the men. Although Stewart first seems to have the edge, he turns out to be a blowhard, and it's shy, thoughtful Arnold who steals Judy's heart.Unfortunately Arnold has a most unpleasant wife (Nella Walker) back home...
This is a delightful Hollywood fantasy which moves quickly, running only 78 minutes. Colbert in particular is excellent as Judy gradually emerges from her shell.Boland provides delightful comic relief as she trudges through the jungle carrying her little dog; her last big scene, where jungle tribesmen threaten to kill her because she's taught their wives about family planning, is absolutely hilarious.
The movie was filmed by Karl Struss, including location shooting in Hawaii.Kino Lorber's Blu-ray is excellent. There are some faint vertical lines in the opening credits, but most of the print looks and sounds great.
Kino Lorber's Blu-ray extras consist of the movie trailer, a 13-film trailer gallery, and a commentary track by Nick Pinkerton.
Thanks to Kino Lorber for providing a review copy of this Blu-ray.