
Saturday, December 24, 2011

The Christmas Kittens One Year Later

A year ago this week we adopted our cats, Dinah and Lila.

They are now approximately 18 months old, and as can be seen from this photo of them asleep together, they love each other very much:

Dinah is the slightly older and larger black and white cat, and Lila is the calico.

They've done very well (mostly) staying away from our Christmas tree! On the one hand, it's hard to believe a year has flown by already, and on the other hand, it seems like the cats have always been here. :) They've certainly added a great deal of fun to our house in 2011!


  1. Awww! I love when cats curl up together like that! I can't believe it was a year ago that you got them. Time is flying. They are beautiful kitties!

    Merry Christmas!

  2. Happy to see that they are thriving so well! We lost one of our 4 this past year (the orange one, medical problems) but the other 3 are doing just fine. They don't even seem to notice there is a tree in the living room! Maybe because it's fake.

  3. Your kitties are adorable, Laura! Lila reminds me of our beloved calico cat, Scraps. We had her for fourteen wonderful years and still miss her SO much. She was Anna's "true and devoted friend" (direct quote from
    Anna) from birth to age fourteen. In September, we adopted a sweet kitten, Poppy. So wonderful to have a furry friend in the house again! It was too empty and lonely without our kitties (we lost all three within the space of a year.) One of them was named Dinah, by the way. :0)

  4. Dear Deb, Irene, and Estella,

    Thank you all so much for your nice notes!

    Estella, why am I not surprised you had a cat named Dinah?!!

    Best wishes,
