
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Laura's Miscellaneous Musings in The Dark Pages

The Dark Pages, a wonderful film noir newsletter, has just published a terrific 36-page special issue focusing solely on DOUBLE INDEMNITY. I was honored to contribute to The Dark Pages for the second time in this issue; I also participated in last year's special issue on OUT OF THE PAST (1947).

The Dark Pages is edited by author Karen Burroughs Hannsberry, who began blogging this year at Shadows and Satin. (Karen's blog focuses on film noir and pre-Codes; be sure to check it out!) My good friend Kristina Dijan of Speakeasy, formerly known as Kristina's Kinema, is Senior Writer.

I just received my copy of the DOUBLE INDEMNITY issue, and it's a great read which should be very much enjoyed by classic film fans in general and film noir lovers in particular. The cover story is written by Dorian Tenore Bartilucci, who writes such witty and enjoyable posts at Tales of the Easily Distracted. Robby Cress of Dear Old Hollywood has an excellent three-page spread on the movie's locations, then and now; he always does an outstanding job, and this article is no exception.

My contribution is a biographical sketch of composer Miklos Rozsa, with particular attention to the difficulties he had with the head of Paramount's music department, who didn't like Rozsa's music for the film.

One of my favorite articles is a page-long story by Jimmie Hicks on Jerry's Market, where Walter and Phyllis do their plotting. Jimmie gives the rundown on location shooting at the market, the soundstage replica of the interior, and the logistical difficulties regarding showing brand names, or trying to hide same. Back in the days before "product placement" became highly desirable, showing brand names posed difficulties.

There's much, more more in this issue, covering just about every possible aspect of DOUBLE INDEMNITY. Subscription information can be found here.

Disclaimer: I've read the newsletter since the first issue was published several years ago, before I had the good fortune to get to know Karen and Kristina online, and I receive no compensation for my contributions, other than a much appreciated complimentary issue. I recommend The Dark Pages because it's something I've enjoyed reading for several years, and it's even more fun now being a small part of it!

For those who'd like to become more familiar with The Dark Pages, back issues are available at


  1. sounds great! can't wait to see it! oh, wait. never mind. :D
    just kidding, this issue really is a party with all these great writers, which is why, like you I really recommend DP to anyone who loves their noir. Thanks for being part of it, Laura & Merry Christmas!!

  2. Laura, I'm excited to be part of this DOUBLE INDEMNITY edition of THE DARK PAGES, and I'm honored and grateful that you put my DI piece up front! Thanks a million! I'm also thrilled to be in such good company, like the awesome Karen Burroughs Hannsberry and SPEAKEASY's own Kristina Dijan! I'm really looking forward to the other articles, too; I love that there will be a piece about Jerry's Market. I'm keeping my eye on my mailbox, considering this issue to be one of my Christmas presents. :-) Thanks again for letting me play in your garden, my friends, and have a truly Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (And don't forget to watch TCM's Christmas noir programming tonight! :-))

  3. OMG, Laura, I can't believe you devoted your whole Musings to the Dark Pages! "Thank you so much" just doesn't do it -- there are no words. I am tearing up, literally -- and it ain't the egg nog! (Really!) I am so glad to have met you, and so privileged to consider you as part of the Dark Pages family.

  4. Hi Laura,

    Thank's for the heads up on the Dark Pages newsletter. I haven't seen it yet, but am hoping that like another commenter mentioned, it will arrive as a Christmas present. I'm looking forward to reading all the other entries. The one on Jerry's Market sounds really interesting.

    A Merry Christmas to you and classic movie lovers everywhere :)

  5. What fun, I feel like we're all having a Dark Pages party right here! :) Karen, it was my great pleasure not only to participate in this issue (as well as the Out of the Past issue!), but to mention it here on my blog -- and best of all has been getting to know you and Kristina!

    Dorian and Robby, I think you're really going to enjoy the issue! You both did great work, but that's no surprise to those of us who read you regularly! :)

    Merry Christmas to all!!

    Best wishes,
