
Monday, January 21, 2013

Laura's Miscellaneous Musings in The Dark Pages

Just an update to mention that the special NIGHTMARE ALLEY issue of The Dark Pages is now available!

It's a giant 40 pages covering every possible aspect of NIGHTMARE ALLEY. My issue just arrived this weekend, and I'm very much enjoying reading the varied articles.

This is the third year in a row I've been honored to contribute to the Special "Giant" issue of The Dark Pages, having previously been a part of the OUT OF THE PAST and DOUBLE INDEMNITY issues.

As I shared last month, the issue includes my very special interview with actress Coleen Gray. The interview was a great thrill for me, and I'm very happy to be able to share it via The Dark Pages.

You'll find the work of several other bloggers in the issue. The Editor-in-Chief of The Dark Pages is Karen of Shadows and Satin, and the Senior Writer is Kristina of Speakeasy.

My fellow Guest Contributors include Cliff from Immortal Ephemera, Dorian of Tales of the Easily Distracted, Jacqueline of Film Noir Blonde, Becky of Classic Becky's Brain Food, Danny of Can't Stop the Movies, Aurora of Once Upon a Screen, Jennifer of Dereliction Row, Jo of The Last Drive In, and N.M.F. of The Nitrate Diva. Hopefully I'm not leaving any of my fellow bloggers off this list -- if so, please let me know!

There's more info on this special issue at Speakeasy.  Subscription info is here, and back issues can be purchased at


  1. I had great fun with it too, Laura! My grandkids thought I'm the great American author when they saw my name on the page, and I don't plan to disillusion them any time soon! LOL!

  2. I love that, Becky! Good for you. :)

    Best wishes,

  3. Anonymous7:47 PM

    Thanks for the write-up on the DP, Laura -- thank you for your awesome contribution, and congrats on holding the honor of being our only guest writer to appear in all three of our giant issues. I hope we can count on you to be part of them every year!

  4. Thank *you* for the opportunity, Karen, and that's really fun to know I was the only guest that contributed to all three of the giant issues! I'd love to do it again next year! :)

    Best wishes,
