
Friday, January 04, 2013

Safety Last! (1923) - An Invitation

Last night I posted my list of 10 Classics for 2013 -- 10 significant movies which I've committed to fit into my viewing sometime this year.

While chatting on Twitter, Raquel of Out of the Past expressed interest in the possibility of watching the films on my list she hasn't seen yet.

That comment sparked an idea: I'm trying to spread out my "10 Classics" viewing this year so I don't end up watching so many movies on the list in November and December (grin). I've been planning to watch the first film on my list, SAFETY LAST!, sometime in January.

I'd like to invite any fellow bloggers who are interested in watching and writing about SAFETY LAST! anytime in January to send me the link -- either via email, in comments to this post, or in the comments once my review is up later in the month -- and I'll include the links at the end of my own review.

I'm thinking of it as sort of a low-key blogathon-type idea. The comments to my posts in this series have been such fun, it would be nice to take them a step further and read other bloggers' posts on the same movie!

SAFETY LAST! is available on DVD in the Harold Lloyd Comedy Collection, Vol. 1. The DVD is available for rental from ClassicFlix; unfortunately the disc is in the dreaded "Saved" section and not available on Netflix.

It was also released on VHS.

The lack of Netflix availability or a relatively inexpensive single-title DVD release may make it harder for bloggers to see the movie this month, but perhaps those who have seen it in the past would like to share their thoughts, and general posts on Harold Lloyd are welcome too. I'd like to learn more about him!

I may give this idea a whirl again next month with a film from the list that's a little more easily accessible. In the meantime, if anyone would like to join me in blogging about SAFETY LAST! and Harold Lloyd this month, I'd love to hear from you!

January 13th Update: My SAFETY LAST! post is now posted!


  1. Wow, you were fast, Ivan, I'm delighted! This will be fun. :)

    Hoping to have my review post up by mid-January if not sooner.

    Best wishes,

  2. Laura, this sounds great. I'll send my link soon. I bought the Lloyd box set last year because I hadn't seen this film either and it was completely worth every penny. It looks like "Safety Last" is also going to be released later this year through the Criterion Collection so I guess I will be buying it again!

  3. That's terrific, Paul! I have the first disc from the Lloyd set here on loan from my dad; he's raved about how great the entire set is.

    I didn't know about the upcoming Criterion release, thanks much for that info!

    So glad you will join me enjoying this film in January!

    Best wishes,

  4. Laura,I'll definetelly do it! It'll be my firs time with this film too, and I'm starting to know Harold better.

  5. Delighted you'll join me watching this movie!

    Best wishes,
