Tonight's Movie: Jeopardy (1953) at the Noir City Film Festival
Last night's Barbara Stanwyck double bill at the 17th Annual Noir City Film Festival began with the very enjoyable WITNESS TO MURDER (1954), then continued with the suspense film JEOPARDY (1953).
Stanwyck and Barry Sullivan play Helen and Doug Stilwin, who as the movie begins are driving south into Mexico for a fishing trip with their young son Bobby (Lee Aaker). They plan to camp on a deserted piece of coastline Doug had visited once before.
Plans quickly go awry when an old pier collapses, trapping Doug's leg. Helen needs to go for help -- including a sturdy rope that can hopefully be tied to their car to move the lumber and free Doug, before the tide rises and Doug drowns (!).

JEOPARDY is a short, fast-paced movie, clocking in at a brisk 69 minutes. From my perspective it was a good thing it was short, as I couldn't have stood the tension any longer!
I can't say I really enjoyed the storyline of this one very much -- could it be any more heartbreaking when the dad is hesitantly trying to make clear to his little boy that he might not be around in the future? -- but it did have some memorable moments, chief among them the surprising scene where Stanwyck turns seductive on Meeker in order to obtain his cooperation to save her husband's life.

Stanwyck and Sullivan do a good job presenting a portrait of a happy marriage in a short time frame, and indeed, it's one of Sullivan's more appealing performances; when he's in a movie you never know whether he'll be a hero or villain. I did think his character chose a rather odd vacation spot to take his wife and son, being so extremely remote (and probably not an outhouse in sight), but of such things movies are made. He was clearly a good dad and husband, and it's a nice performance.

Incidentally, differences in child rearing over the last few decades are particularly apparent in this film, as Bobby climbs from the backseat to the front of a moving car, with nary a seatbelt in sight, and waves around a handgun. Such little moments reflecting the culture of the day added to the film's interest.

As a side note, the movie's publicity stills are amusing; in some shots Meeker's holding a gun on Sullivan, with Stanwyck not looking too worried, but there's also a photo of Sullivan holding the gun on Meeker and Stanwyck!
JEOPARDY is available on DVD in the Barbara Stanwyck Signature Collection. Update: It's also now available as a reissue from the Warner Archive.
Update: In a nice coincidence, Colin just wrote about JEOPARDY at Riding the High Country.
Barry Sullivan has never been more appealing than as he appears in "Jeopardy". It would be a great double bill with his psycho husband in "Cause for Alarm!".
Remember "The Big Valley" episode "By Force and Violence" from the first season? Miss Stanwyck was in the same predicament with Heath trapped under a wagon and only a convict to help. Hey, if it works, it works.
Hey, I remember that BIG VALLEY episode. Was the convict Warren Oates?
The publicity shots for movies always crack me up. So many of them seem to have no relation to the action of the movie.
A terrific little movie, in my opinion.
And thanks for the link - a happy coincidence indeed!
Caftan Woman, what a contrast those two husbands are! I agree that would be a fascinating double bill, ultra good Sullivan vs. ultra bad Sullivan. :)
I'd forgotten that BIG VALLEY episode, will have to look for it and watch it again!
Colin, thanks back to you for linking to my post! I really enjoyed your take and how you brought out some things such as Stanwyck's growing strength in your post.
Best wishes,
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