
Friday, September 23, 2016

Vin Scully Day

The Los Angeles Dodgers hosted a very special pre-game ceremony tonight honoring the legendary Vin Scully, who is retiring after broadcasting Dodgers games for 67 years.

Vin Scully has been part of the soundtrack of my life...for my entire life. Some of my earliest memories are of falling asleep on hot summer nights with his voice on the radio. He's been there to describe so many special baseball moments, and perhaps even more importantly, I appreciate the day in, day out companionship spent listening to Vin and his marvelous stories.

For anyone like me who's spent a lifetime listening to Vinnie, it's impossible to imagine the day will soon be here when he's no longer a regular part of our lives. I get teary just thinking about it.

Instead of saying more, I'll let baseball fan Kevin Costner eloquently explain, in a speech he wrote himself, available in full at the MLB site.

As Costner said to Vin, "You are our George Bailey, and it has been a wonderful life."


  1. Yes! Some of my earliest memories are of hearing his voice on the radio as my parents listened to Dodger games. (His voice and the "it's a beautiful day for a ball game, for a ball game today" song that I haven't heard since I was a kid but I recall hearing it before every game on the radio back in the day). That is cool that they hosted a pre-game ceremony for him, as he is so very special to so many of us. And thanks for the link for the Costner speech. Must check that out!

  2. Lifelong Dodger fan here in Chicago, so I never had the day-in, day-out "Vin Experience." Got to hear an inning of him on ESPN a few days ago, and an inning was given over to him on the local Cubs broadcast when they were in L.A. recently. Boggles my mind that he does the whole thing solo.

    Speaking of the Dodgers, I've been skeptical of them all season--and infuriated with their GM for his seemingly careless approach to their starting rotation (basically, at the season's start it was Kershaw and let's hope enough guys get/stay healthy to fill out the rotation). But, they seem to be coming together at the right time. Hopefully, Kershaw can finally pitch in the postseason at the level he does during the regular season. Go Dodgers!

  3. Love that you share similar memories, Deb. I miss that "It's a beautiful day for a ball game" song!!

    John, that's so great you're a fan at such a distance. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Vin and the team.

    Best wishes,

  4. Just saw Vin's call of the walk-off homer in his last home game. This stuff can only happen in Hollywood... :-)

  5. You said it, John!

    When the Dodgers homered to tie with two outs in the 9th, I thought "Of course -- Vin's last home game goes to extra innings!"

    And then to win on a walk-off home run...!

    Add to that each Dodger player tipping his cap to Vin in his first at bat...Dave Roberts taking a mike on the field after the win and saying it was for Vin...and Vin playing the recording of him singing "Wind Beneath My Wings" to the was an unforgettable and historic afternoon.

    Best wishes,
