Monday, July 29, 2024

A Visit to Palm Springs: Homes of Classic Stars (2024 Edition)

We always enjoy some sightseeing when we attend the Arthur Lyons Film Noir Festival in Palm Springs each year, and there are certainly many things to see in the area.

Something I find interesting is checking out the former homes of classic era filmmakers. In many cases all that can be seen today are gates, but surprisingly often there are historic markers and other signs next to the gates documenting the location's Hollywood and architectural history.

I shared a number of classic star home photos in 2023, and that post also links to a few of my older photos. Today we'll visit a few more.

This year we again stayed at the Old Ranch Inn, and we noticed something we hadn't picked up on when we were there in 2021: The inn is right across the street from the former Gloria Swanson Estate!

The Swanson Estate is now the Amin Casa Historic Hotel, located on West Arenas Road.

The hotel's side gate is on South Patencio Road, right across from the Old Ranch Inn, and it bears this marker documenting the location's history.

Continuing our tour around Palm Springs, a home rental company and other sources say this home on North Patencio was lived in by Mary Pickford and her husband, Charles "Buddy" Rogers, although I will note that I didn't find anything in this history of the address.

Multiple sources, including a Redfin listing, say the home below, on Hermosa, was owned by Ronald Reagan; one source says he owned it around the time he was governor of California.

The gate below on East Tamarisk hides the estate which once belonged to Darryl F. Zanuck, the head of 20th Century-Fox.

The Zanuck home was named Ric-Su-Dar after his children Richard, Susan, and Darrylin, and a sign bearing that name remains next to the address.

Right across the street from the Zanuck estate is a home once owned by Randolph Scott.

The Zanuck and Scott homes are located in the "Movie Colony" neighborhood.

Many Palm Springs street signs have white signs attached, such as seen below, designating the neighborhood name.

This is said to have been Spencer Tracy's home, located on Mission Road:

The former Kirk Douglas Estate on West Via Lola:

Like many well-known homes in Palm Springs, the former Douglas estate bears a plaque in front documenting its ownership and architectural history. Wexler also designed Alan Ladd's estate; the Ladd Estate sign may be seen in this 2023 post.

The Dinah Shore Estate on Hermosa was also a Wexler design:

This home on North Patencio once belonged to Jim and Marian Jordan, aka radio stars "Fibber McGee and Molly." A couple of years ago I also visited the Jordans' final resting places at Holy Cross Cemetery in Culver City, California.

Cowboy star Hoot Gibson lived at this address on Merito....

...and Lena Horne lived on the same street:

I really appreciate how much of Palm Springs home history has been preserved and hope my readers enjoy this photographic tour.


Blogger DKoren said...

Yes! I very much love your photographic tours of various places (film-related or otherwise), and these are quite cool. Why they all wanted to live in the middle of the hot desert, though, is beyond me! LOL!

5:54 PM  

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