Thursday, January 09, 2025

The 2024 TCM Classic Film Festival: Day Four

My Day Four of the 2024 TCM Classic Film Festival, on April 20th, began with a DCP screening of DIRTY HARRY (1971) in the Chinese Multiplex.

Over the last few years I've become increasingly interested in Clint Eastwood's career, including seeing ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ (1979) at the 2019 TCM Festival. Seeing DIRTY HARRY let me check another Eastwood film off my list.

Although it was a little more violent than most movies I watch, I quite enjoyed it and even watched MAGNUM FORCE (1973) later in the year. Prior to the film Eddie Muller interviewed Andrew "Andy" Robinson, DIRTY HARRY's memorable villain.

Several years ago I met Robinson at a festival in Palm Springs, and he was as nice as could be; I had the chance to tell him that as a teenager I'd seen him on stage in a production of THE MAN WHO CAME TO DINNER with James Whitmore and he immediately exclaimed "Long Beach! Jessica Walter!"

It was interesting to learn that Robinson's own son is the little boy in the film's climactic scene - and what's more, Eddie Muller's older sister has a bit part in the movie as the mayor's secretary! It was a terrific interview. Muller and Robinson are seen below. (Press photos above and below courtesy of Turner Classic Movies.)

Next it was over to the Egyptian, where I saw Barbara Stanwyck and Henry Fonda in the THE MAD MISS MANTON (1938). I chose that movie partly as the time and location would work well for the next screening, which was important to me to attend. Choices at the TCM Festival are made for many different reasons!

THE MAD MISS MANTON was shown in 35mm, introduced by Donald Bogle. (Press photo of Bogle, below, courtesy of Turner Classic Movies.) The movie was good fun, and seeing it with a packed house made it all the better.

Next up was one of my all-time favorite films, WESTWARD THE WOMEN (1951), shown in 35mm.

As I waited for WESTWARD THE WOMEN, I chanced to spot Diane Baker (MARNIE, MIRAGE) in front of the Egyptian, looking as glamorous as ever:

WESTWARD THE WOMEN was specifically picked by film historian Jeanine Basinger to be shown when she was presented with the 2024 Robert Osborne Award. (Press photo of Basinger below courtesy Turner Classic Movies.) I wrote extensively about seeing this film, along with Sunday's screenings of LAW AND ORDER (1932) and THE SEARCHERS (1956), in my June 2024 Classic Movie Hub Western RoundUp column and I invite readers to click over to check it out.

The final showing for me on Friday was a DCP 30th anniversary screening of another favorite film, LITTLE WOMEN (1994), with Alicia Malone hosting writer-director Robin Swicord (second from right) and Eric Stoltz, Samantha Mathis, and Trini Alvarado. (Press photo courtesy Turner Classic Movies.)

I feel LITTLE WOMEN is one of the finest films of recent decades, and it's always a pleasure to revisit it. Seeing several cast members before the movie made it a truly memorable experience.

Coming soon, Day Five, the final day of the 2024 festival.


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