Thursday, October 20, 2005

An...Interesting...Reason To Homeschool

As an enthusiastic homeschooler, I'm always happy to see this excellent form of education spreading and growing.

This article, though, describes what seems to me to be the strangest reason to homeschool I've ever heard. Although the poor quality of Santa Ana schools is mentioned in passing, the ultimate reason for this mother to homeschool is because her school district doesn't provide what she believes is adequate sex education. The district covers abstinence but not birth control.

It seems to me that if this is truly the mother's only issue with school, she could educate her daughter in this area as she wishes and continue to send her to school.

It sounds as though what the parent is actually doing is using her child to publicize her agenda for the school. The columnist, Yvette Cabrera, certainly supports her in this, saying that students have "a right to receive sex education that explains all their options."

The Founding Fathers would doubtless be amazed by what some people consider "rights" in 2005.

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