Sunday, February 19, 2006

Mark Steyn on "Reporters and Other Unruly Mobs"

As always, Mark Steyn has an amazing way with words. A brief excerpt of his latest column:

"The Washington Post had that wise old bird David Ignatius to put it in the proper historical context: "This incident," he mused, "reminds me a bit of Sen. Edward Kennedy's delay in informing Massachusetts authorities about his role in the fatal automobile accident at Chappaquiddick in 1969"...

"...One can only hope others agree with Ignatius' insightful analogy, and that the reprehensible Cheney will be hounded from public life the way Kennedy was all those years ago. One would hate to think that folks would just let it slide, and three decades from now this Cheney guy will be sitting on some committee picking Supreme Court justices and whatnot."

The entire column is excellent.


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