Saturday, September 15, 2007

Double Standards

Former Harvard President Larry Summers, who has dared to espouse politically incorrect views on gender differences between men and women, has been disinvited from addressing the UC Regents at a dinner next week.

One UC Davis professor huffed "I was appalled that someone articulating that point of view would be invited by the regents. This is a symbolic invitation and a symbolic measure that I believe sends the wrong message about the University of California and its cultural principles."

So...will the same people who have been crying foul over Erwin Chemerinsky being let go from being the dean of the new UC law school, because of his liberal points of view, also stand up for the right of Larry Summers to address the UC regents?

I'm afraid "academic freedom" only goes one way.

(Hat tip: Captain's Quarters.)

Meanwhile, UCI is bowing to pressure and trying to rehire Chemerinsky.


Blogger Dana said...

I always felt that women shot themselves in the foot by demanding Summer's resignation. Instead of getting rid of someone who offends you with his pov (which is his perrogative), why not prove him wrong instead? It always appeared to me that they were a bunch of boo-hooers-our-feelings-are-hurt group rather than intelligent assertive women who could show him just how women excelled in academia (math/sciences).

And in answer to your question of whether those screaming against EC's reneged offer from UCI stand up for Summer's invitation being rescinded, the answer obviously, is no because we all know the cultural 'principles' in academia are anything but.

6:04 PM  

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