Around the Blogosphere This Week

...Here's a tribute to one of my favorite movies, LAURA (1944), at Greenbriar Picture Shows, filled -- as usual at Greenbriar -- with marvelous photos. I love what John writes about Dana Andrews: "Andrews, in fact, might be the show's best performance, never mind his being less showy than Clifton Webb and others. The man's a whiz with props. Notice what he does with keys --- doesn't twirl, sort of jiggles, and never a same way twice. When DA shows Tierney a newspaper, meant to startle, he jerks the front page for emphasis as he puts it before her face. What Andrews does with his baseball game-toy is Best Actor worthy in itself --- was a prop ever before or since put to such clever use?" This post drew lots of comments which are worth reading too.

...I've been enjoying becoming acquainted with the movie blog Happy Thoughts, Darling, including posts on PRETTY BABY (1950), which I recently recorded, and Gary Cooper. Cooper's PETER IBBETSON (1935) sounds very interesting.
...NASCAR has tweaked its rules again. I don't know if the changes will solve what I see as NASCAR's chief problem, that it's become The Jimmie Johnson Show, with Johnson winning the last five titles in a row. That's just plain boring.

...Thoughts on director Fritz Lang from the New York Times and Videodrone.
...Service at Deep Discount has been poor in recent months, to the point where I'm uncertain about the wisdom of placing future orders. Turns out the company was sold in November. Based on what I've read, I suspect that some of my purchases from last fall's Deep Discount sale being shipped to me "direct from the manufacturer" were a result of a cash flow/inventory problem. I've also noticed it's hard to find titles which are due out within the next month. In addition, they recently started charging California residents tax; when a shipping charge also popped onto the screen for my last order, bringing the total to within pennies of Amazon's price, I switched my order to Amazon, since they not only arrive more quickly, they make returns of defective products a breeze.

...Here are more beautiful noir posters, for the movies shown at this month's Noir City festival in San Francisco. I'm anxiously awaiting details on the Noir City festival coming to the Egyptian in Hollywood at the end of March and will post info here when it's available.
...Disney artist Kevin Kidney takes us on a fascinating photo tour of the history of Disneyland's Chicken of the Sea pirate ship restaurant in Parts One and Two. I had the opportunity to briefly meet Kevin and receive his autograph at last fall's Destination D: Disneyland '55 event.

...This week's political links: Dr. Milton Wolf, cousin of the President, on the hundreds of Obamacare waivers passed out on the whim of the Health and Human Services director ("If Obamacare is such a great law, why does the White House keep protecting its best friends from it?"), Byron York on "Rethinking Obama's Political Performance in Tucson," and Daniel Henninger of the Wall Street Journal on "A Presidency to Nowhere."

...Glenn Erickson just reviewed the Warner Archive release HOTEL (1967), another Rod Taylor movie I'd like to see. I saw a little bit of the '80s TV series when I was in college -- unfortunately it quickly turned into a dull landlocked LOVE BOAT -- but have never seen the movie.
...The For the Love of Film (Noir) Blogathon is just a couple weeks away! It begins on Valentine's Day.
Have a great week!
Thank you so much for the kind mention of my blog, Laura! I'm so glad you've been visiting lately and enjoying my posts.
I hope you get a chance to see "Peter Ibbetson" sometime. It's a very unusual movie. I liked it a lot. Of course right now there's very little starring Gary Cooper that isn't thrilling me to bits. I'm kind of a goner when it comes to him! ;)
Thanks again,
You're very welcome, MC, I hope others will enjoy visiting your blog as well!
I bought a 5-film Cooper DVD set on sale just before Christmas which I look forward to delving into. :) I've also got the set with PETER IBBETSON so I'll definitely be watching it at some point...
So many movies, so little time!
Best wishes,
Prepping for I'LL BE YOURS, I watched its source material, THE GOOD FAIRY, expecting some whimsical little nonsense of a time-waster. Boy, was I wrong!
I'm thoroughly smitten with The Good Fairy, and have been hemming and hawing about writing a review of it because I just don't think I could give it its due.
I enjoyed your review of Good Fairy. I believe the stick she carries is an illusion to a magical wand that all good fairies seem to have in stories.
Everyone is so charming in that film! And I'd never seen Herbert Marshall so young!
Thanks for mentioning my blog post.
Also, what a round up you've got there! I don't recall your ever including non film-related current events in your list posts, but it's a nice unexpected addition.
- Java
Hi Java!
I think that's a wonderful interpretation, that her stick in the movie theater in THE GOOD FAIRY is an allusion to a magic wand. Love that! :)
Looking forward to checking out I'LL BE YOURS in the future. I enjoyed your post!
Best wishes,
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