Tonight's Movie: The Birds (1963)
Well, I finally made it through THE BIRDS! It certainly won't go down in history as my favorite Hitchcock film -- just the opposite -- but I'm glad that at least I now have firsthand knowledge of another of the great director's films.
THE BIRDS is also another title I can check off my list of 10 Classics for 2012. I've realized all along that I had put off seeing some of the well-known films on my list because of their dark subject matter, but I also suspect perhaps I had instinctively known some of the films might not be my particular cup of tea. Of the five films seen thus far from this year's list, I loved one (CRISS CROSS), liked and admired another (THE MAGNIFICENT AMBERSONS), and didn't really care for three others (THE APARTMENT and 12 ANGRY MEN in addition to THE BIRDS); links for reviews of each of these films can be found at my 10 Classics post.

The film begins verrrry slowly. See Melanie walk down the street. See Melanie take the elevator in Mitch's apartment building. See Melanie drive down the coast. See Melanie take a boat across the bay. See Melanie take a boat back across the bay. Finally, see bird attack!
The entire film plays much the same, contrasting the humdrum of daily life with increasingly violent bird attacks. Unfortunately the "humdrum of daily life" scenes are just a bit too humdrum to be interesting. I really loved the family dynamics and depiction of small-town life in Hitchcock's SHADOW OF A DOUBT (1943), but THE BIRDS? Not so much.
I think I also had an issue with the film because, while I enjoy suspense, I don't care to watch things that are as visually unattractive as these particular birds and the results of their attacks. Film noir may be violent, but at its best, it's absolutely gorgeous: the shadows, the rain-slicked streets, the fedoras. Film noir is a great American art form in more ways than one. Violent birds, on the other hand...ick. Who wants to watch them trying to peck people to death? They didn't scare me, I just didn't like them and looked forward to no longer having to watch them!

The film as a whole seems to be attempting a meditation on loneliness, but it never really arrives anywhere. I suppose one could say some of the characters made peace and formed a family under duress, yet at the same time, the abrupt and uncertain ending was, shall we say, pyscho.

Mine seems to be somewhat of a minority reaction to this film. My younger son, in fact, is a huge Hitchcock fan, and has seen even more Hitchcock films than I have. THE BIRDS is one of his favorites! He likes '50s and '60s Hitchcocks the best, while I'm more of a '30s-'40s Hitchcock fan, though I certainly like many of his later films.

A few notes on child actress Veronica Cartwright: I first knew Veronica as a child from Fess Parker's TV series DANIEL BOONE, where she played his daughter Jemima early in the show's run. She continues to act in the present day. One of her best adult roles was as Betty Grissom in THE RIGHT STUFF (1983), and she was also a very good Ethel Kennedy in the 1985 miniseries ROBERT KENNEDY AND HIS TIMES. Veronica also starred in the 1978 remake of INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS and in ALIEN (1979). Her younger sister, Angela, played Brigitta in THE SOUND OF MUSIC (1965), and I had the pleasure of seeing Angela in person last May.
I watched THE BIRDS on a DVD from the 14-film Alfred Hitchcock Masterpiece Collection. The movie has had other releases, including a Collector's Edition and a VHS release. It's available on DVD from Netflix and can be rented for streaming from Amazon Instant Video.
Thanks for your take on The Birds, Laura.
I would say that I have watched it more than I've watched any other Hitchcock films - which will indicate that it's my favorite.
Coincidentally, last evening I watched The Beast With A Million Eyes (1955) which preceded The Birds by eight or nine years. I'm sure that Hitch must have seen it - and that some elements of it stuck with him, to emerge later in The Birds.
Thanks, Mel! So interested that it's your favorite. A number of people whose opinions I respect really like this film, which makes me wish I could enjoy it too!
Sometimes my initial opinions change so there's always the possibility I'll see it differently if the movie and I meet up again down the road. :)
Very interesting note about that sci-fi film!
Best wishes,
I saw this when I was an uncritical kid and as an adult and it's just not scary at all, and the premise is silly. I don't get the fuss over this film.
I have a special love for The Birds, and particularly for Tippi Hendren's performance. She is purposefully written and portrayed as somewhat unlikable. This creates a strange paradox to the audience's empathy for the horrific attack's Melanie endures at the end and her possible madness as a result. Had she been completely likeable, I think the emotional arc for the audience would have been more devastating.
Crocheted Lace, I enjoyed your take on it! I guess I scare a little easily (grin)...but it's definitely far from a favorite Hitchcock for me.
Unknown, I enjoyed your thoughts on Hedren's character of Melanie very much. I was struck by the odd "tone" to her character. It is indeed interesting to consider how the audience would have reacted if she had been more likeable.
Best wishes,
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