Monday, July 14, 2014

Around the Blogosphere This Week

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...I was most interested to learn that Twilight Time had hoped to bring out the much-wanted Jerome Kern musical CENTENNIAL SUMMER (1946) on Blu-ray this August, but rights issues are still in the way. CENTENNIAL SUMMER stars Jeanne Crain, Linda Darnell, and Cornel Wilde. That's the movie I told Robert Osborne I wished he could obtain to show on Turner Classic Movies!

...Kristina has shared some terrific photos of Chester Morris at Speakeasy. While there, be sure to check out Kristina's many other interesting posts, which include photos, bio profiles, and reviews...I'm glad she enjoyed Paulette Goddard and Macdonald Carey, which I also liked.

...Reconstructing Prodigy? A look back at the dinosaur technology which was the first online service used by many of us. I will always be grateful to Prodigy for introducing me to some very special friends a couple dozen years ago. Hard to believe it's been that long since I was first on the Internet.

...Related: This 1995 Newsweek article predicting the failure of the Internet to attract consumers is so completely wrong in every respect it's almost hard to believe it's real. It makes for hilarious reading so be sure to check it out.

...Raquel has reviewed Jack Webb's -30- (1959) for the latest Warner Archive Wednesday at Out of the Past. I'm very fond of Webb and liked this film so I was especially glad she enjoyed it too.

...The KCET website has a photo history of the early days of North Hollywood, which was once known as Toluca.

...I enjoyed reading Aubyn's list of Underrated Detective Films and Mysteries at Rupert Pupkin Speaks. 23 PACES TO BAKER STREET (1956) is on my "watch soon" list.  And...killer mermaids?!

...The newest series at the Rupert Pupkin Speaks site is Underrated Action Adventure Films. I plan to contribute! Brian does a great job pulling together recommendations from many different people; I've added numerous titles to my "want to see" list thanks to his site.

...The '60s BATMAN TV series is coming to Blu-ray in November.

...The Year of Ann Blyth continues at Another Old Movie Blog, with recent posts including THE WORLD IN HIS ARMS (1952) and THE GREAT CARUSO (1951). I'm going to be sorry when Ann's special year draws to a close!

...Last October I linked to a story about a possible Broadway production of AN AMERICAN IN PARIS (1951). Here's new details about the show, which may open on Broadway in 2015.

...Christopher Walken has been cast as Captain Hook in NBC's upcoming live production of PETER PAN.

...The latest Glenn Erickson reviews at DVD Savant include Robert Ryan and James Mason in CAUGHT (1949) and Cary Grant and Tony Curtis in OPERATION PETTICOAT (1959), both newly out from Olive Films. I haven't seen the Olive DVDs, but I like CAUGHT and OPERATION PETTICOAT is an all-time favorite film.

...I enjoyed this Architectural Digest peek inside George and Laura Bush's home in Crawford, Texas.

...Rick recently reviewed Powell & Pressburger's ONE OF OUR AIRCRAFT IS MISSING (1942) at the Classic Film & TV Cafe. That's one I'm very interested in seeing.

...I'd like to invite readers to visit my latest article for ClassicFlix, celebrating the legendary Doris Day.

...The Nitrate Diva is spending the summer seeing movies in Paris! She received a media credential for the Festival Paris Cinema. What a wonderful experience!

...Attention Southern Californians: There's a Route 66 exhibit at the Autry through next January 4th. I hope to visit it in the coming months.

...Missed last week's link roundup? There's lots more news about new books, DVD releases, and more here.

Have a great week!


Blogger KC said...

The killer mermaid movie is more about loneliness than horror. Dennis Hopper is really sympathetic in the lead. It's kind of moody and odd. You should check it out! It's on YTube.

8:42 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thanks much for the viewing lead and the other info, KC! Very interesting.

Best wishes,

9:27 PM  
Blogger mel said...

For anyone who doesn't know, or hasn't seen Centennial Summer, here's a mouth-watering video clip of the beautiful song Up With The Lark on YouTube:

It'll be wonderful to get a BluRay upgrade of this lovely movie, Laura.

12:01 AM  
Blogger Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

"I'm going to be sorry when Ann's special year draws to a close!"

So am I, Laura. Thank you so much for the mention and the kind words.

4:04 AM  
Blogger Caftan Woman said...

The 1995 article is a hoot. Well, if you're going to be wrong, you might as well be totally wrong.

5:19 AM  
Blogger Kristina said...

many thanks for mentioning me Laura, and thanks for that movie too!

The year of Ann Blyth is such a fine idea for a theme, besides being great reading

and Walken as Hook will make for some novel and fascinating punctuation choices ;) love him

7:55 AM  
Blogger Jacqueline T. Lynch said...

Thanks very much, Kristina.

8:32 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thanks for the link, Mel! A Blu-ray will be great not least so that many more people can see this movie -- it's been largely inaccessible for so long!

Jacqueline, you're very welcome, and I'm sure I speak for many Ann fans when I say thanks to *you* for an illuminating series!

Wasn't that article deliciously wrong, Caftan Woman?!

So glad I could share the movie, Kristina! Really enjoyed reading your thoughts on it.

Best wishes,

10:18 AM  
Blogger mel said...

Hi Laura, did a BluRay version of Centennial Summer ever come your way? I haven't seen one, but I just found the best quality copy that I have yet seen on YouTube:
It will have to do meanwhile...
Best regards,
Mel 08/19/2024

10:56 PM  

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