Wednesday, October 07, 2015

This Weekend: The 2015 Lone Pine Film Festival

Thursday morning my husband and I are off to the 2015 Lone Pine Film Festival!

We had a wonderful time at last year's festival; all the links for last year's coverage may be found here. It hardly seems possible that it's been a year already! We had such a great experience that we signed up for this year's festival as soon as ticket and hotel reservations became available.

Some of the things on our 2015 festival schedule:

*A concert with Western singer Don Edwards

*A screening of the Hopalong Cassidy film IN OLD COLORADO (1941), followed by a bus tour of the film's locations

*A bus tour of GUNGA DIN (1939) locations; GUNGA DIN was a very memorable screening at last year's festival, hosted by special effects wizards Ben Burtt and Craig Barron

*A screening of the Rory Calhoun-Anne Francis Western THE HIRED GUN (1957), followed by a bus tour of the locations

I also hope to fit in some additional screenings, including George Montgomery in RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE (1941). Alas, I'll be on a tour when the 1931 George O'Brien version of the same story is shown!

Guests expected in Lone Pine this year include William Wellman Jr., Bruce Boxleitner, Johnny Crawford, Wyatt McCrea, Petrine Mitchum, Billy King, Cheryl Rogers Barnett, and Diamond Farnsworth.

Full details are on the festival website.

Stay tuned for coverage when I return!

Update: The 26th Lone Pine Film Festival.


Blogger Caftan Woman said...

Imagine you missing George O'Brien!

Have a lovely time. Looking forward to the pictures.

11:14 AM  
Blogger Mary-Catherine said...

I love Don Edwards' music! So authentically cowboy/western. He does a darn good Marty Robbins impression too.

3:03 PM  

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