Saturday, November 24, 2018

Tonight's Movie: Love at the Thanksgiving Day Parade (2012)

LOVE AT THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE (2012) is a top-drawer Hallmark film starring Autumn Reeser and Antonio Cupo.

Reeser plays Emily Jones, who enthusiastically plans Chicago's Thanksgiving Day Parade each year. Cupo plays Henry Williams, a well-off financial analyst hired to assess the parade's finances and future.

Emily and Henry initially clash as she's convinced he won't appreciate the parade and that his input will ruin it. But as they get to know one another, they seem to find more and more in common.

When Emily's longtime long-distance boyfriend (Ben Cotton) fails to propose upon his return to the city, it's Henry's support which helps Emily deal with her disappointment...and before long she realizes that the man she thought was all wrong is Mr. Right.

The bickering couple who end up falling for each other is a tried-and-true storyline, but it's presented in a very entertaining fashion. Reeser, whose character wears nothing but vintage clothing, is quite charming, and Cupo is handsome and appealing as the tall dark stranger with hidden depths.

There are some delightful scenes as Emily and Henry bond over things like a classic pizza joint and watching old movies, and eventually the couple realize their backgrounds are more similar than they first realized. They were clearly meant to be a couple.

This film was directed by Ron Oliver and filmed by C. Kim Miles, with British Columbia standing in for Chicago. The supporting cast includes Ali Liebert and Alvin Sanders.

LOVE AT THE THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE is available on a single-title DVD or as part of a four-film DVD collection.

I found this one thoroughly enjoyable and recommend it.


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