Saturday, July 06, 2024

Around the Blogosphere This Week

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...John DiLeo, whose last film book was THERE ARE NO SMALL PARTS in 2022, has a new book coming from Glitterati this fall, NOT EVEN NOMINATED: 40 OVERLOOKED COSTARS OF OSCAR-WINNING PERFORMANCES. I've reviewed John's books going back for many years -- links may be found in my review of his last book -- and have found them uniformly enjoyable, so I'm certain I'll enjoy this one also.

...In April I mentioned the forthcoming Kino Lorber Dark Side of Cinema XX Collection. That set, which contains CAPTAIN CAREY, USA (1950), APPOINTMENT WITH DANGER (1951), and MAKE HASTE TO LIVE (1954), now has an August 27th release date. As usual, the set will come with commentary tracks for each title.

...Kino Lorber has a new podcast called SHELF SPACE, and the initial episode included the information that more Dark Side of Cinema collections are on the way, along with two more Audie Murphy Western Collections! Amazing news. And as Toby Roan reports at The Hannibal 8, Kino Lorber will also be bringing DONOVAN'S REEF (1963) to Blu-ray. Our family has always loved this film, which feels somewhat like attending a party.

...Last week I paid tribute to Eva Marie Saint, who celebrated her 100th birthday on the 4th of July. Saint was interviewed by People and shared "I certainly don't feel 100 years old" and that her daily pleasures include watching Dodgers games.

...There's a new documentary, HOLLYWOOD FALLOUT, on the ill-fated THE CONQUEROR (1956). A significant number of the cast and crew, including stars John Wayne and Susan Hayward and director Dick Powell, would later die of cancer. Details are available from Leonard Maltin as well as Zack Budryk at The Hill.

...I mentioned in May that DOWNTON ABBEY 3 is on the's now been announced it will be released in the fall of 2025.

...Some of the latest Blu-ray reviews from CineSavant Glenn Erickson at Trailers From Hell are VICTIMS OF SIN (1951), aka VICTIMAS DEL PECADO, from the Criterion Collection and THE MAN I LOVE (1946) and ACT OF VIOLENCE (1948) from the Warner Archive Collection.

...A new book coming this fall from the Walt Disney Family Museum: WALT DISNEY TREASURES: PERSONAL ART AND ARTIFACTS FROM THE WALT DISNEY FAMILY MUSEUM. That one definitely goes on my wish list!

...From Thomas K. Arnold at Media Play News: "The Disc is Not Dead; Neither is Brick-and-Mortar Retailing."

...Author Noah Gittell was interviewed about his new book BASEBALL: THE MOVIE. As I mentioned in May, I've bought it, but as of now it's still in my summer reading stack. I love the subject matter.

...In her "Noir Nook" column at Classic Movie Hub, Karen Burroughs Hannsberry writes about a film which is "Unmistakably Noir," DOUBLE INDEMNITY (1944). In the coming months Karen will be writing about other films which she believes fit this category.

...It was great to read this Classic Movie Blog Association interview with Rachel of Hamlette's Soliloquy, a blog I've enjoyed for many years. Rachel is a fellow Alan Ladd fan!

...At Speakeasy Kristina has continued her series of films directed by Fred F. Sears with Part 5...These are my kinda lesser-known movies! I have previously enjoyed THE NIGHT THE WORLD EXPLODED (1957) and THE WORLD WAS HIS JURY (1958) and now I need to watch CRASH LANDING (1958).

...Aurora pays tribute to Betty Grable with a review of MOTHER WORE TIGHTS (1947) at Once Upon a Screen...At Comet Over Hollywood Jessica reviewed Gene Autry and Ann Miller in another musical, MELODY RANCH (1940)...and Colin reviews Jeff Chandler and Joan Crawford in FEMALE AT THE BEACH (1955) at Riding the High Country. FEMALE AT THE BEACH was directed by Joseph Pevney, and Colin plans to write on more of his movies this summer.

...Film festival news: Some (interesting!) titles have now been announced for Cinecon 60, which takes place in Beverly Hills from August 29th-September 2nd. I anticipate sharing more info on this festival closer to late August...And film titles, tours, and guests are now available at the Lone Pine Film Festival site. I urge anyone considering attending to book tours as soon as possible, as they sell out! I'll have a more extensive post on what's coming to Lone Pine this fall at a future date.

...Notable Passings: Screenwriter Robert Towne (CHINATOWN) has passed away at the age of 89...and be sure to read the lovely new tribute to Jeff, written by his nephew, at Jeff Arnold's West.

...For additional recent links of interest to classic film fans, please visit my June 22nd column.


Blogger John G. said...

Thanks for linking that Media Play News article, Laura. I gave up on Barnes & Noble years ago when I realized that I had more physical media in the house than they carried in the two locations nearest me. Probably the two locations combined (haha). Just abysmal. But maybe they'd be worth a visit now the next time I'm near one of them.

That said, the picture in that article of the physical-media section in the North Carolina location doesn't inspire a lot of hope. Still seems like a whole lotta nothin', albeit attractively presented.

Oh well, there's nowhere to go but up. Especially here in the Chicago area, which HAS to feature the most-barren physical-media landscape among major metro areas. Speaking of Barnes & Noble, boy, do I miss Borders...

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Bert Greene said...

Wow, the Cinecon schedule seems to include a screening of "The Harvester" (1936-Rep). Always heard that was a lost film!

6:57 AM  

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