Saturday, February 22, 2025

Around the Blogosphere This Week

Miscellaneous bits of news and fun stuff from around the Internet...

...Fantastic Blu-ray news from Kino Lorber today, the long-awaited announcement that the Audie Murphy Collection IV is "coming soon." The set will feature THE KID FROM TEXAS (1950), THE CIMARRON KID (1952), and DRUMS ACROSS THE RIVER (1954). Can't wait! (Update: Here's a bit more on this release from Toby Roan at 50 Westerns From the 50s.)

...Many thanks to Christine for letting me know about a new PBS series on movie locations.

...In her Classic Movie Hub "Noir Nook" column, Karen Burroughs Hannsberry takes a look at four classic film noir titles celebrating their 75th anniversaries this year.

...The March lineup on the Criterion Channel streaming service will include Douglas Sirk Noir and French Poetic Realism, the latter with an introduction by the great Imogen Sara Smith.

...Farran Smith Nehme (aka the Self-Styled Siren) has written an interesting companion piece to a current Criterion Channel series, "Cast Against Type: Heroes as Villains."

...Season 5 of ALL CREATURES GREAT AND SMALL releases on DVD and Blu-ray in the United States on March 11th.

...FLIGHT RISK (2025), which I reviewed late last month, releases on DVD and Blu-ray April 1st.

...Movie reviews I've recently enjoyed: Rachel reviewed Alan Ladd and Virginia Mayo in THE IRON MISTRESS (1952) at Hamlette's Soliloquy...Kristina reviewed Ingrid Bergman and George Sanders in JOURNEY TO ITALY (1954) at Trailers From Hell, Glenn Erickson took a look at the (infamous) John Wayne movie THE CONQUEROR (1956), which was just released on Blu-ray...Leonard Maltin likes the new CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD (2025) more than most reviewers...At Riding the High Country, Colin reviews the Richard Widmark film THE TRAP (1959), a movie I didn't know at all...Classic Movie Ramblings looks at Audie Murphy in DESTRY (1954)...and Jessica has reviewed the Kay Kyser film PLAYMATES (1941) at Comet Over Hollywood.

...We had a fantastic time last evening seeing Hitchcock's ROPE (1948) in 35mm nitrate at the Egyptian Theatre. My appreciation for the film has grown considerably since my first viewing in 2012.

...Notable Passings: Alice Hirson, remembered by many of us as Miss Ellie's friend Mavis Anderson on DALLAS, has died at the age of 95...Character actor Peter Jason, whose film career began with John Wayne's RIO LOBO (1970), has passed on at 80.

...For additional recent links of interest to classic film fans, please visit my February 15th column.


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