Tonight's Movie: The Strange Love of Martha Ivers (1946) at UCLA

The occasion was a double bill shown as part of the ongoing Kirk Douglas Centennial Celebration. 35mm prints were screened of Douglas's first two films, THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS (1946) and OUT OF THE PAST (1947). I'd never seen OUT OF THE PAST on a big screen, so that was a particular treat.
The Film Noir Foundation's Alan K. Rode (below right) provided his usual informative and engaging introductions. He also shared a brief interview he filmed with Douglas a few years ago in which Douglas reminisced about MARTHA IVERS, his first film. He said that Van Heflin was supportive but Barbara Stanwyck was initially cool, until later on she said, "You know, you're a pretty good actor." Eventually they became friends.
I'd never seen MARTHA IVERS before and had little idea what to expect going in. As the movie begins, young Martha (Janis Wilson) is going to run away from her wealthy aunt (Judith Anderson), aided by Sam Masterson (Darryl Hickman). Her plans are thwarted, and when the aunt beats Martha's cat -- a truly disturbing scene for animal lovers -- Martha reacts and the aunt falls to her death.
The cause of death is covered up by Martha's tutor (Roman Bohnen) and his son Walter (Mickey Kuhn), the only ones who know what happened. I couldn't help thinking that if Martha had confessed, she would have gotten off with a manslaughter charge and a light sentence, given the totality of the circumstances...but instead they sweep it all under the rug and let an innocent man be executed for the death.

Martha and Walter both seem to think Sam knows about something and is going to blackmail them...
MARTHA IVERS is an engrossing movie, although I didn't especially care for its rather gothic and very troubling opening sequence. After that it settles down into an interesting, intricately scripted four-person character study, as Sam juggles getting to know Toni with simultaneously reacquainting himself with the rather peculiar Martha and Walter.

This was Scott's second film, and we were told producer Hal Wallis inserted some additional flattering closeups of Scott near the end of production. She's always interesting in an off-kilter sort of way, a unique actress who was well-suited for her part as a rather mixed-up woman.
That's Blake Edwards in an early role as a hitchhiking sailor in Heflin's first scene. The cast also includes Ann Doran, Frank Orth, Olin Howland, and James Flavin.

THE STRANGE LOVE OF MARTHA IVERS was a Paramount Pictures release which fell into public domain and is available in many DVD editions. Various editions can also be rented for streaming on Amazon.
What an evening at UCLA, Laura! Two fine noirs (one exceptional).
And a great foursome leading the cast here. Wish I coulda been there!!
Thanks, Jerry! It was a wonderful night. I especially loved the chance to see my beloved Bridgeport, CA, on a huge screen in OUT OF THE PAST!
Wouldn't it be fun if you could visit CA and see a movie at UCLA one day?!
Best wishes,
This was a suspenceful story but the guy who played Sam Masterson just didn't get it ..I would of preferred Bogart or Clark Gable or even that other guy you know more realistic ladies men like John Garfield
The Strange Love of Martha Ivers features Mickey Kuhn. Mickey, the last living cast member of Gone with the Wind (Beau Wilkes), plays Kirk Douglas as a boy in Martha Ivers. I interviewed Mickey for my forthcoming book Cries in the Night: Children in Film Noir (BearManor Media 2022). - Robert Strom
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