Tonight's Movie: A Canterbury Tale (1944)

I was an hour into watching A CANTERBURY TALE, which runs two hours and four minutes, and was asked what it was about. And I had no idea what to say! I still don't, really...but I was absorbed for the entire length of the film.
I suppose you could start by saying it's about three people -- a British soldier (Dennis Price), a Yank soldier (John Sweet), and a girl (Sheila Sim) on her way to work on a farm -- who meet at a train station. They spend time together in a little town in Kent, eventually traveling to Canterbury, where each receives a blessing. The end.
That really is the plot, unless you add in the creepy storyline about a weird chap named Colpepper (Eric Portman) who's desperate for people to come to his lectures on the area. But he's not really all that important, nor is the mystery of the village "Glue Man" who puts glue in the hair of young women who are out with soldiers in the evening. (Say what?!)

It's about everything and nothing...moments in life, and the continuity over centuries. (In one of the most striking images, a bird from the movie's introduction, set during the time of Chaucer's story, turns into an airplane, signifying the jump forward in time.) Given that the film was released in the UK while the war still raged, I imagine it underscored what was being fought for.

Anyone who loves England, as I do, will likely enjoy this film. I stumbled across an article in which the author names A CANTERBURY TALE as his favorite film, saying it "may be the most loving and tender film about England ever made. It's a picture that's steeped in nature, in thrall to myth and history; a re-affirmation of the English character, customs and countryside..." That seems about right.
Side note: I studied Chaucer's A CANTERBURY TALE in high school and still have a copy of it. But I don't believe any of my children have read Chaucer -- they were too young for it during our homeschool years -- and I suspect that's common these days in the U.S. Strange to think they wouldn't have a frame of reference for a basic theme of the movie.

A CANTERBURY TALE was filmed in black and white by Erwin Hillier.
A CANTERBURY TALE is available in a two-disc special edition from the Criterion Collection. There are extensive extras I haven't dipped into yet, including an interview with Sheila Sim, a documentary about John Sweet, and excerpts from the 1949 U.S. release, in which Kim Hunter plays Sweet's girlfriend.
I'm still trying to figure the movie out, and probably will be for a while, but a film which keeps the viewer engrossed while watching and then thinking afterwards is doing its job. Recommended.
It's one of my most favorite movies.
I hope you will watch it again and pay close attention to the Colpepper character and what he talks about. The device of the glue man is odd and silly, but what Colpepper wants to share is very important: the love of England, the countryside and ancient traditions. He is actually the most interesting character of them all.
I especially like the part where Dennis Price is able to play the organ at the soldiers' service in Canterbury Cathedral. The endings for the other two "pilgrims" are very conventional. The musician's pilgrimage is the most interesting.
John Sweet's voice is so annoying he is hard to watch. They originally wanted Burgess Meredith for the part but could not get him. Too bad. He had a natural style that would have been perfect.
Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on the movie and Colpepper. I liked some of what he had to say but then was "brought back to earth" by the other side of the story. Will be interested to see how I react in the future.
I agree, I found the part with Dennis Price the most unconventional and the most moving.
It's interesting, my husband came in and asked if I was watching a Red Skelton movie because that's who he thought he was hearing with Sweet. I didn't really have a problem with it -- honestly I'm not a Burgess Meredith fan so I suspect the movie worked better for me as is.
Happy New Year!
Best wishes,
A Canterbury Tale is a movie that takes on a life of its own, and then moves in on you.
I stumbled across this thread. It's a film that burrows deep into your soul. Each time you watch it you see something else in it. Colpepper is interesting in that he represents a deep love for his home but it drives him to be intolerant ( the way he is filmed in the lecture is not dissimilar to some Nazi propaganda films. ). He is necessary for the other three to receive their blessings - in fact allowing that to happen that is his penance. With Colpepper there is the tension between love for the past and that the fact the world moves on. The closing credits are part of the story - it soldiers and women walking out together. Presumably Colpepper changes his ways.
Sergeant Price's blessing is interesting. He gains a halo and comments bout being 'an instrument with a flaming sword'. The organist at the gate he passes through could be seen as St. Peter. Does that mean that his fate is to die in the battle to come, but having made peace with himself first?
I found I saw Alison in the caravan in a different light after Covid - a life put on hold and the moths eating away at what should have been struck a nerve at the time.
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