Tonight's Movie in 2017: The Year in Review
2017 was another fantastic movie viewing year, filled with special experiences, new discoveries, and old favorites.
I saw 284 movies last year, up slightly from 275 films in 2016. Just as happened last year, I'd been on track to see around 300 films until my work got extremely busy in the last two months of the year and something had to give!
For comparison, I saw 310 movies in 2015, 286 movies in 2014, 277 films in 2013, 220 in both 2012 and 2009, 226 in 2011, and 211 movies in 2010.
102 of the 284 films were seen in a theater this year! That's a very satisfactory number for me, which includes 23 brand-new films (more on that below). I saw 75 big screen films in 2016, 115 in 2015, 78 in 2014, 50 in 2013, and 55 in 2012.
68 of this year's 284 films were repeats, with 38 of those repeat viewings seen on a big screen, frequently at film festivals. That compares with 62 repeat films in 2016, 76 in 2015, 68 in 2014, 41 in 2013, 36 in 2012 and 2009, 15 in 2011, and only 13 in 2010.
Each of the hyperlinked titles in this post links to my past reviews. As it's my habit to note in my "year in review" posts, it's impossible to list every movie seen or go into extensive detail here, but hopefully the linked reviews will provide resources for further exploration and inspiration for future viewing.
Each linked review includes options available for watching each title, including DVD, Blu-ray, streaming, and even VHS, a format some readers regularly share that they continue to utilize along with me!
As always, the next section of this post will look at some additional stats, including films seen at festivals and lists of most-seen actors. The final section of the post is a month-by-month review of additional notable titles not already mentioned earlier in the post.
Here's a look back at the great movie viewing year which was 2017!
...I attended five film festivals this year, beginning with the 2017 UCLA Festival of Preservation in March; I saw half a dozen double bills at the festival, plus a program of shorts. It kicked off opening night with Carole Lombard and Gary Cooper in I TAKE THIS WOMAN (1931), which was seen along with the previously reviewed TROUBLE IN PARADISE (1932); later in the festival I saw double bills of GOOD REFERENCES (1920) and THE POOR NUT (1927); OPEN SECRET (1948), an interesting "B" noir seen with the previously reviewed HE WALKED BY NIGHT (1948); a day of THE MAD GAME (1933), 365 NIGHTS IN HOLLYWOOD (1934), and, best of all, Classic Animated Paramount Shorts; the long-lost MAMBA (1930) paired with CHEER UP AND SMILE (1930); and a fun evening of INFERNAL MACHINE (1933) and SLEEPERS EAST (1933).
...For the first time ever I attended every single night of the annual Noir City Film Festival, seeing 20 films spread over 10 evenings. It was a lot of effort for to me to accomplish this, between juggling work and the long commute to Hollywood so many days in a row, but the "A"/"B" movie theme each night proved irresistible, and I had a really marvelous time. New-to-me films seen at the festival were ADDRESS UNKNOWN (1944), ESCAPE IN THE FOG (1945), BEHIND GREEN LIGHTS (1946), BACKLASH (1947), THE ACCUSED (1949), CHICAGO DEADLINE (1949), I WAS A SHOPLIFTER (1950), WHERE THE SIDEWALK ENDS (1950), THE MAN WHO CHEATED HIMSELF (1950), IRON MAN (1951), THE BIG HEAT (1953), and WICKED WOMAN (1953).
...I also saw several previously reviewed films at this year's Noir City Fest: THIS GUN FOR HIRE (1942), QUIET PLEASE - MURDER (1942), MINISTRY OF FEAR (1944), LADY ON A TRAIN (1945), THE DARK CORNER (1946), CALCUTTA (1947), THE HUNTED (1948) (also reviewed here), and THE KILLER THAT STALKED NEW YORK (1950).
... At this year's TCM Classic Film Festival I saw 16 films and a program of cartoons; 17 presentations is a new record for me, besting 16 films seen in 2015. The cartoons program was "Beyond the Mouse," a selection of cartoons created by Disney colleague Ub Iwerks. Feature films seen at this year's festival which I didn't have time to review were LOVE CRAZY (1941), BORN YESTERDAY (1950), RED RIVER (1948), THE AWFUL TRUTH (1937), SPEEDY (1928), THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH (1934), SO THIS IS PARIS (1926), VIGIL IN THE NIGHT (1940), PANIQUE (1946), and BYE BYE BIRDIE (1963). Six of the films seen at the TCM Fest were new to me, and it had been so long since I'd seen RED RIVER it felt like a completely new experience as well! Watching RED RIVER in 35mm on the huge screen at the Egyptian was one of the highlights of my viewing year. Also worth noting: THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH and LAURA were seen in nitrate!
...Previously reviewed films seen at the 2017 TCM Classic Film Festival, listed in the order viewed: LAURA (1944), THEODORA GOES WILD (1936), UNFAITHFULLY YOURS (1948), THE EGG AND I (1947), THE PALM BEACH STORY (1942), and ONE HOUR WITH YOU (1932).
...I saw 10 of the 12 films screened at this year's Arthur Lyons Film Noir Festival in Palm Springs; it was my second time at the festival and I loved it just as much as I did in 2015. Here are new reviews of HOLLOW TRIUMPH (1948), ALL THE KING'S MEN (1949), SPLIT SECOND (1953), and CHARLEY VARRICK (1973). Another new-to-me film seen at the Lyons Fest I've not yet reviewed (I may get to it!): THE BODY SNATCHER (1946).
...Previously reviewed films seen at the 2017 Arthur Lyons Film Noir Festival: THE CHASE (1946), BLACK ANGEL (1946), MEET DANNY WILSON (1951), DESPERATE (1947), and NIGHT AND THE CITY (1950). BLACK ANGEL continues to rank among my all-time favorite noir films.

...Columbus Day Weekend was again spent at the 2017 28th Lone Pine Film Festival, where I saw eight films, leading off with the documentary FLOATING HORSES: THE LIFE OF CASEY TIBBS (2017), followed by SOMEWHERE IN SONORA (1933), STRAIGHT SHOOTING (1917), SERGEANT RUTLEDGE (1960), and THE CHEYENNE SOCIAL CLUB (1970).
...Previously reviewed films also seen at the 2017 Lone Pine Film Festival: NEVADA (1944), RIDER FROM TUCSON (1950), and ESCAPE FROM FORT BRAVO (1953).
...A side note, as can be seen throughout this post, it's a real challenge to get individual film festival reviews posted along with my overviews of each festival, though I managed to do it for three of the five festivals I attended! My overviews of the TCM and Lone Pine Fests are the most comprehensive, which tends to crowd out time for looking at specific films in more detail. I may yet revisit some of those films for reviews!
...2017 was a great year for the return of nitrate to L.A. area screenings! After seeing CASABLANCA (1942) in nitrate in November 2016, I saw three nitrate screenings at 2017 festivals, the previously mentioned LAURA, THE MAN WHO KNEW TOO MUCH, and UNTAMED, plus two more nitrate screenings at UCLA, the previously reviewed ROAD HOUSE (1948) and NIGHT HAS A THOUSAND EYES (1948).
...Other special screenings I attended in 2017: A TCM/Fathom Events local digital screening of ALL ABOUT EVE (1950); the restored JAMAICA INN (1939) at the Pacific Design Center, with Norman Lloyd and two of Alfred Hitchcock's granddaughters in attendance; SUMMER MAGIC (1963) during a trip to the Walt Disney Family Museum in San Francisco; and a 75th Anniversary Christmas week screening of a new 35mm print of MIRACLE ON 34TH STREET (1947) at the Academy's Samuel Goldwyn Theater.

...Richard Dix was my most-seen actor of 2017 with seven films watched. He was closely followed by Preston Foster (six films), Pat O'Brien (five), and, tied at four films each, Dick Powell, Gene Kelly, Glenn Ford, Warren William, and Alan Ladd.
...Also seen regularly, in three films each: Spencer Tracy, Robert Cummings, Robert Mitchum, Chester Morris, Ray Milland, Buck Jones, Broderick Crawford, John Wayne, Joseph Cotten, Buster Keaton, Joel McCrea, James Stewart, Edward G. Robinson, Richard Widmark, and Tom Keene; Keene actually ranks with four films if I include one with a tiny supporting role.

...Seen in three films each: Gene Tierney, Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Kay Francis, Joanne Dru, Maureen O'Hara, and Joan Blondell. It's interesting that Blondell was relatively low this year, as she was my most-seen actress of both 2013 and 2016.
...2017 was the first time I watched a serial, and by year's end I'd seen three: PANTHER GIRL OF THE KONGO (1954), DAREDEVILS OF THE RED CIRCLE (1939), and ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN MARVEL (1941).
...I also saw a number of good feature-length documentaries this year. In addition to the previously mentioned FLOATING HORSES: THE LIFE OF CASEY TIBBS (2017), I saw OBIT: LIFE ON DEADLINE (2016), ROD TAYLOR: PULLING NO PUNCHES (2016), HAROLD AND LILLIAN: A HOLLYWOOD LOVE STORY (2015), DAWSON CITY: FROZEN TIME (2016), and HAROLD LLOYD: HOLLYWOOD'S TIMELESS COMEDY GENIUS (2016).
...For various reasons I tend to leave most of the viewing of my annual "10 Classics" films toward the end of the year, but this year I'm running more behind than usual! More reviews of new Blu-ray and DVD releases (including the time-consuming serials mentioned above) plus seeing more brand-new films in theaters this past year definitely had an impact on accomplishing this yearly project. I'm really looking forward to the films on this list and will either make a big push to complete the list in January or bump most of the titles over into a 2018 list; I'll decide in the next couple of weeks. So far I've reviewed BATTLEGROUND (1949). Still to come at some point in 2018, on one list or another (!), are LAZYBONES (1925), IT (1927), STREET ANGEL (1928), DOCTOR BULL (1933), THE FLAME AND THE ARROW (1950), CAPTAIN HORATIO HORNBLOWER R.N. (1951), LIGHTNING (INAZUMA) (1952), THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT (1953), and RED SUNDOWN (1956).
...There was no competition for the worst film of the year: DEJA VU (1985) starring Jaclyn Smith. Over the years I've enjoyed Smith in numerous enjoyable TV-movies but this horror film was simply a mess. Past "winners" in this category: HULLABALOO (1940) from my 2009 list, FORT BOWIE (1958) in 2011, INHERIT THE WIND (1960) in 2012, a tie between DAVY CROCKETT, INDIAN SCOUT (1950) and FLYING BLIND (1941) in 2013, FORT YUMA (1955) in 2014, THE ROBIN HOOD OF EL DORADO (1936) in 2015, and MAKE MINE LAUGHS (1949) in 2016. Fortunately it's rare when I don't find at least some things in a film to enjoy!
...I only participated in one blogathon in 2017, the Third Annual O Canada! Blogathon. I wrote about Kirby Grant in TRAIL OF THE YUKON (1949), the first in a series of 10 "Mountie" films from Monogram/Allied Artists. I'm looking forward to participating again this year!
...Below is a month-by-month look at some additional titles not already listed above which I found especially memorable viewing in 2017.
...In January I found TORTILLA FLAT (1942) only so-so but really enjoyed Hedy Lamarr, who outshone her more highly regarded costars, Spencer Tracy and John Garfield...BRAZIL (1944) was a very enjoyable little-known Republic Pictures musical starring Virginia Bruce and Tito Guizar; I was fascinated to learn it was nominated for three Oscars!...I revisited THE GOODBYE GIRL (1977) for the first time in decades and found it was still entertaining; it also provided reminders of how much has changed since 1977...TALL, DARK AND HANDSOME (1941) was an unexpected charmer from 20th Century-Fox starring Cesar Romero and Jane Greer lookalike Virginia Gilmore...ROAR OF THE DRAGON (1933) was the first of seven Richard Dix films seen in 2017; it includes a memorable scene with Edward Everett Horton manning a machine gun (!)...OIL FOR THE LAMPS OF CHINA (1935) was a good drama based on a book by Alice Tisdale Hobart, starring Pat O'Brien and Josephine Hutchinson; I love the unusual title...Errol Flynn starred in the entertaining Canadian-set WWII film NORTHERN PURSUIT (1943), playing a Mountie contending with invading Nazis...I loved revisiting Lana Turner, Richard Carlson, Ann Rutherford, and Artie Shaw in DANCING CO-ED (1939), an engaging MGM "B" musical.

...In March I enjoyed another good Richard Dix Western, YELLOW DUST (1936)...Loretta Young starred in the pre-Code BIG BUSINESS GIRL (1931)...I read a lot of mixed opinions on the May-December romance LOVE IN THE AFTERNOON (1957), starring Gary Cooper and Audrey Hepburn, but I really like it...Will Rogers and Dick Powell starred in the warmhearted TOO BUSY TO WORK (1932)...The emotional melodrama HIS GREATEST GAMBLE (1934) was another good Richard Dix film...I also enjoyed the silent melodrama OUR DANCING DAUGHTERS (1928) with Joan Crawford and Johnny Mack Brown.

...There was some fine viewing in August, beginning with the thoughtful THE JUDGE STEPS OUT (1949), as Alexander Knox leaves his unappreciative family for an extended sojourn working at a diner...LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA (1962) was one of my favorite discoveries of the year, with George Hamilton and Yvette Mimieux as young lovers and Olivia de Havilland and Rossano Brazzi as their concerned parents...RIVER OF NO RETURN (1954) was a solid Western with Robert Mitchum, Marilyn Monroe, and Rory Calhoun...I love BABY BOOM (1987), which is both picturesque and a fun look at how many things have changed in the last 30 years...ANY NUMBER CAN PLAY (1949) was an excellent drama featuring an all-star cast headed by Clark Gable...Lana Turner was very good in A LIFE OF HER OWN (1950), who comes to realize an affair with a married man (Ray Milland) isn't as romantic as she'd expected...Tom Keene starred in the quirky, entertaining Western CROSS FIRE (1933), which I enjoyed a lot.

...In November I watched the engrossing indie film GOLD STAR (2016), starring Victoria Negri as a young woman coping with her father's stroke; it was Robert Vaughn's last film...I love the romantic comedy NO MORE LADIES (1935) with Joan Crawford, Robert Montgomery, and Franchot Tone...S.O.S. TIDAL WAVE (1939) was an interesting look at early television being used to put over a WAR OF THE WORLDS style hoax...Anne Shirley and Barbara Read star in the fine film SORORITY HOUSE (1939)...I liked Rod Cameron's THE MAN WHO DIED TWICE (1958), a good crime film with a style reminiscent of Bill Elliott's detective mysteries...Alan Ladd's HELL ON FRISCO BAY (1955) was very enjoyable, with great set design...Margaret Lindsay and Glenda Farrell play struggling attorneys in THE LAW IN HER HANDS (1936)...NAVY BLUE AND GOLD (1937) is a strong MGM drama with James Stewart, Robert Young, and Tom Brown as Naval Academy roommates.

...As I've done the last few years, I'll be writing a post on Favorite Discoveries of 2017 for Rupert Pupkin Speaks and will post the link here once it's up. (Update: Here it is! It can also be accessed via this post at my site.)
...Coming soon: A movie posters video celebrating the films seen last year! (February 3rd Update: Here it is!)
In closing, I'd like to sincerely thank each and every visitor to this blog. Your readership, friendship, and support are all deeply appreciated! I wish all my readers good health, happiness, and lots of classic movies in 2018!
There are lots of great-looking films ahead this year, and as always, I look forward to sharing my viewing experiences with all of you right here!
Previously: Tonight's Movie in 2009: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2010: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2011: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2012: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2013: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2014: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2015: The Year in Review; Tonight's Movie in 2016: The Year in Review.
Holy smokes, that's a boatload of movies! I love it! It's so exciting to read your year in review and see everything you viewed. Looking forward to seeing what new and classic movies 2018 brings our way. Happy New Year!
Holy Smokes indeed...what a year...very well spent I might add.
It's fab you are now reviewing Kino Lorber releases-so many
great films being released by them.
A very Happy New Year...look forward with anticipation to what's on
your 2018 film roster.
Wow! What a busy year you had. But I appreciate all of your reviews.
I watched 208 films in 2017 - and I know I can do more! LOL
I also let te 10 classics - in my case, 12 - for the last days. This year I couldn't find one title, but it was a good experience once again.
From your list, I have seen It, Street Angel and The Sun Shines Bright - this last one is sooo good and underrated!
Wonderful post, I always bookmark these year-enders for ideas on what to watch. So many watched, and so many reviews I enjoyed reading! Happy New Year, looking forward to more in '18!
Hi Deb, John K, Brittaney and Kristina, and Happy New Year!
Thanks so much for taking the time to check out this post and for your regular readership throughout the year. Nothing makes me happier than sharing about movies here and hearing it's helped lead others to "good stuff" to watch! Kristina, I love that you bookmark this post for ideas, thank you!
John, I too am really excited by what Kino Lorber is doing -- a nice mix of classics, Republic obscurities, etc., often with extras. I'm glad I have the opportunity to share info on some of their new releases here. Later this month I'll be covering their new Blu-rays of FOUR FACES WEST (1948) and THE YOUNG IN HEART (1938).
Happy New Year wishes to you all!!
Best wishes,
I was kind of waiting for your pieces on those other 9 classics, certain ones especially (like RED SUNDOWN and DOCTOR BULL). It's a little disappointing though anyone would understand the pressures of your schedule.
Le just put in a good word for THE SUN SHINES BRIGHT. That was one I waiting for you to get to--I know that I long encouraged you to see it and provided the copy you have. I was prepared to make a comment--as you'll see the film is especially resonant in these troubled times. Judge Priest, the leader of his community, emerges as the anti-Trump, taking that little Kentucky town to a wonderful place of civility, tolerance and humanity that is mutually shared and celebrated by all its people at the end (sigh!).
Maybe if/when you get to it, I will elaborate on this...
Happy New Year (and we can only hope it will turn out to be in the end).
Thank you, Le and Blake, for stopping by and checking out my post!
Le, I'm glad you had a good experience again with your list, and thanks for the recommendations!
Blake, I appreciate your patience! I'm hoping to push through at least some titles this month. So many movies to watch, so much to's all good and a lot of fun but I need more hours in the day LOL. (PS My hope is to have all 3 of your discs ready to return to you when next we meet up!)
Best wishes and Happy New Year!
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