New Westerns Column at Classic Movie Hub
I'm excited to announce that my latest Western Roundup column was posted today at Classic Movie Hub!
The topic of this month's piece is a subject dear to my heart: Universal Westerns. I discuss 13 of my favorites -- and I had enough titles which didn't make this list to fill a couple future columns!
I hope everyone will click over to Classic Movie Hub and check it out. I hope the recommendations will inspire future viewing, and I'd also love to know which Universal Westerns are reader favorites! Those recommendations might make a future column. :)

Happy viewing!
Previous Classic Movie Hub Western Roundup Column Links: June 2018; July 2018; August 2018; September 2018.
Laura, another winning write-up over at CLASSIC MOVIE HUB.
Posted the same over at the Hub.
You certainly picked some of the best. I absolutely love The Gal Who Took the West, an all around fun movie shot in the most glorious Technicolor. Two of my favorites are Duel at Silver Creek and Ride Clear of Diablo, both with my favorite leading lady for Audie Murphy, Susan Cabot.
And of course the sizzling Four Guns to the Border.
Showdown at Abilene was a bit of a letdown for me as I don't find Jock Mahoney particularly interesting.
Only downside..they take so long for our comments to appear,and yet again my line breaks
are all over the shop!
Interesting comment from Margot regarding Mahoney,oddly enough director Charles Haas
felt the same according to a piece over at Toby's many moons ago.
My favourite Audie leading lady Felicia Farr by a long shot in the outstanding
Researching something else I came across an interesting put-down of Susan Cabot
from fellow Universal contract player Mara Corday on imdb.
Susan was talented,but my goodness,what a tragic life.
Laura,you have really kicked this one out of the park...what can you do for a follow up?
That isn't a put down of Susan Cabot, but an honest observation.
We'll probably have to wait awhile to get all the welcome feedback your super piece is bound to engender, Laura, but I'm sure it will be worth the wait.
Love reading these great pieces by you over at CMH.
John, Felicia Farr is a good choice too. I just love Audie Murphy movies.
We should take it all back - our comments are up on CMH already this time, folks. Don't miss 'em!
On a recent review of HELL BENT FOR LEATHER over at Jeff Arnold's West there is a wonderful
photo of Audie and Felicia sharing a joke on set-it looks as if they got on really well.
Universal continued their "pro Native American" trend with CHIEF CRAZY HORSE and the lovely
WALK THE PROUD LAND which also happened to be one of Audie's very best pictures.
Thank you all so much for taking the time to read my piece over at CMH and then for taking the time to leave comments -- often both here and there! I deeply appreciate it and your feedback, and it's most gratifying to know the column was enjoyed. It makes the extra time invested in writing those pieces worth it!!
Walter, thank you so much, I appreciate it!
Margot, so glad I named some of your favorites! Interesting you don't care for Mahoney. Since I enjoyed him I'm hoping to see a couple more of his titles soon. Good to have the Felicia Farr recommendation. I've liked every Audie Murphy film I've seen -- I need to watch more of them!
John, I haven't seen HELL BENT FOR LEATHER or WALK THE PROUD LAND yet! I'm taking notes on titles! I've seen part of CHIEF CRAZY HORSE but not watched it all the way through.
Johy and Barrylane, It's always sad when an actor we enjoy has a tragic life offscreen, isn't it? Susan Cabot was so effective in her Universal appearances. (Another tragic Universal player was Suzan Ball, who was married to Richard Long and died of cancer at a young age. She was a cousin of Lucille Ball incidentally. Ball was in CHIEF CRAZY HORSE, mentioned above.)
Jerry, I'm happy the comments went through at CMH quickly! The ladies have a big job to do over there on top of "real" jobs so sometimes we have to wait a little, but it's worth it! :) I really appreciate your encouragement.
I will also be commenting at CMH in the next day or so, so watch for it to clear moderation...
Thank you all again!
Best wishes,
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