Monday, November 05, 2007

Clintons Exempt From 22nd Amendment?

As I read more and more about President Bill Clinton trying to double-talk his wife into his former job -- and himself back into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue -- the more I think that maybe there should be a new Constitutional amendment allowing only one Presidency per married couple.

As Charles Krauthammer pointed out last week, we are, in essence, going to be electing both Clintons -- and Bill is already term-limited out of office.

Do we really want him to be the first President since FDR to serve more than two terms? Because it's pretty obvious that's really what would be happening. The Clintons might not be breaking the 22nd Amendment as a matter of law, as the former President himself will not be elected again, but they'll be breaking it in spirit.

Just as the Clintons shared his Presidency -- as chronicled in Sally Bedell Smith's new book -- they'll be sharing her Presidency if she's elected. The more likely it grows that Mrs. Clinton will win the nomination, the more unseemly it strikes me for President Clinton to be out on the campaign trail trying to maneuver himself back into the White House.

The issue of President Clinton returning to the White House is a serious -- and unusual -- issue deserving of greater scrutiny over the next year. One has to wonder just how much play it will get in the mainstream media, however, where it seems more likely such concerns would be cast as "sexist" for questioning whether it's appropriate for a Presidential spouse to be elected in her own right.

Meanwhile, you've got to love the former President asserting that the issue of driver's licenses for illegals is too complicated to discuss "in 30 seconds" -- a comment which strikes me as incredibly patronizing. We "little people" who think the question can be answered easily just aren't sophisticated enough to understand the issue, you see; according to Mr. Clinton, there's got to be more than a simple yes or no to the question.

After all, triangulation and winning political power is so much more important than clarity and forthrightness...

Tuesday Update: Evan Thomas of NEWSWEEK on the Clintons and Sally Bedell Smith's new book.

Rush Limbaugh commented today on President Clinton basically telling the American people "You're too dumb to understand why licenses for illegals are good." Rush points out that telling voters they're stupid is not the way to win people to your point of view.

Wednesday Update: More thoughts on the Clintons and the 22nd Amendment from Anne at Just Muttering.


Blogger Dana said...

"... asserting that the issue of driver's licenses for illegals is too complicated to discuss "in 30 seconds" "

What it makes me realize is that Bill & Hill don't seem to realize that we the little people have been discussing the issue for a very, very long time! We're not just 30 seconds into considering this. So this just evidences their collective lack of paying attention to the average voter.

Two for one? No, no, no, no!

5:40 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

"We're not just 30 seconds into considering this. So this just evidences their collective lack of paying attention to the average voter."

Great point, Dana.

I've read a couple encouraging editorials that the immigration issue is going to bite the Democrats in the general election, as the Democrat Presidential candidates are out of step even with many registered Democrats (i.e., there's that new poll that 77% oppose driver's licenses for illegal aliens).

Best wishes,

5:47 PM  
Blogger jau said...

Wow - I hadn't seen this when I wrote my post today. Great minds really do think alike.

7:06 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Good post, Anne -- I linked to it as an update to my post. A former President returning to the White House after he's served his terms really is a curious issue which needs to be considered very seriously.

Best wishes,

8:45 AM  

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