Tonight's Movie: Enchanted (2007)

And what a princess she is, a cartoon who is banished from the mythical land of Andalasia to New York City, where she takes human form in the person of Amy Adams. Adams nails the role, with her wide-eyed optimism and innocence, plus a princess-perfect singing voice. She really is as good as initial reviews indicated.
She's backed by a strong cast, including Patrick Dempsey as Robert, the very McDreamy hero who befriends Giselle; James Marsden as Prince Edward, who combines comical buffoonery (think Gaston in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST) with sincere devotion; Susan Sarandon as Edward's wicked stepmother, a modern-day Maleficent; and Idina Menzel of WICKED as Robert's girlfriend, who has an interesting future in store herself. (There was a moment near the end of the film where she really should have sung...)
The filmmakers walk a very careful line, gently spoofing but mostly paying tribute to Disney history. This could only be done, of course, with a studio which has such a rich history from which to draw its allusions and symbolism. One could rewatch the film simply looking for all the clever references to Disney films of the past. Disney fans will recognize bits of plot and familiar objects from many different films woven into ENCHANTED, along with sly tributes to Disney history. One of my favorite examples of the latter: the TV reporter, Mary Ilene Caselotti, is named for the actresses who voiced Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, and Snow White, while the actresses who voiced Belle, Ariel, and Pocahontas have on-screen roles.
Robert and Giselle's dance at the ball is as lovely as Belle and the Beast waltzing in BEAUTY AND THE BEAST...or, for that matter, Princess Aurora and Prince Philip dancing at the conclusion of SLEEPING BEAUTY. The film was not only quite funny, it was very moving, with the emotions being pulled not only by the story itself but by the deep connections with Disney history.

ENCHANTED runs 107 fun-filled minutes. The film has an official website which includes trailers.
Saturday Update: Those who have seen the film will enjoy this article by National Review's Frederica Mathewes-Green: "I'm Enchanted: They Had Me at 'Hello.'" (Spoiler caution: This review is a little more detailed about certain scenes than other reviews I've read.)
September 2018 Update: Revisiting Enchanted (2007) at the El Capitan Theatre.
My brother is here visiting for the long weekend (another Disney fan) and we plan to go see Enchanted this afternoon with my daughter when she gets off work. For some reason he did not want to see it thinking it was for girls ... another "princess" movie. But the reviews have been great including comments from guys on Mice Chat and so I have convinced him. I have been looking forward to this movie for a long time.
I hope you all enjoy it too, Irene! Let us know. :)
Best wishes,
Just got back from Enchanted and loved it! My brother says he has to eat crow. It was everything a Disney movie should be. My daughter and I can't get the True Love's Kiss song out of our heads. Got a big kick out of the cleaning song and the flies, vermin, pigeons and roaches that showed up. Classic Disney is back!
I'm so glad you all enjoyed it too, Irene! I know what you mean about "True Love's Kiss," I was humming it after the movie in Barnes & Noble. Amy Adams sounds just like Adriana Caselotti at the start of the song. When we got home I loaded the CD we bought into iTunes so I can play it while I'm sitting at the computer. :) I just started it playing again!
I'm looking forward to seeing it again, I have a feeling I'll get even more from it. According to this article, Archimedes the Owl from THE SWORD IN THE STONE and Crush the Turtle are in the film, along with Flower and Thumper. I missed those appearances although I picked up on a lot of other "inside" stuff.
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