Beautiful: Blues in the Night DVD Art

The box art has now been made public, and it's gorgeous.
No word yet on any possible extras.
BLUES IN THE NIGHT was reviewed here. It stars Priscilla Lane, Richard Whorf, Jack Carson, Betty Field, Lloyd Nolan, and Elia Kazan.
This is an interesting film, but my opinion of it wavers. The music is great, and the rather grim depiction of a small combo making a living on the road is intriguing. Some of the performances are very good, Lane's, and especially Jack Carson, who whether playing a heavy, a nice guy, or a man vascillating between the two always has such great screen presence. Kazan's scenery chewing is a bit off putting, and I sometimes wonder where the film is going. Some of the diologue is as clunky as 12 miles of bad road. But it's a fascinating movie, and because I don't think it's that well-known I'm surprised it's making it to DVD.
I agree with you, Jacqueline, it's a good movie that could have been a great movie, with enough plot for three films (I would have excised the Betty Field character and the Whorf breakdown and focused more on Lane-Carson-Whorf), but I find it fascinating because it's so very different. And I looove the title song. :) I was very surprised and happy that it is coming to DVD!
Best wishes,
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