Tonight's Theater: Mary Poppins

MARY POPPINS is particularly special to me, as it's the first film I ever saw in a movie theater. (For the record, it was the Crest Theatre in Long Beach, California.) I was barely three years old but the experience made a huge impression, starting me on the path to a lifelong love of movies, musicals, Disney, and Julie Andrews.
Since I also loved all the books by P.L. Travers, I was intrigued that the Broadway MARY POPPINS is a slightly different telling of the story, incorporating a bit more of the sometimes dark and mysterious mood of the Travers books. However, it's worth noting that the stage Mary Poppins remains the tart but much nicer Mary of the film version. Those who have read Travers know what the Mary of the books was like; she was most certainly not the Julie Andrews version. As much as I love the books, I prefer the less scary Mary of stage or screen!

Leigh has stage presence and personality to spare, which is particularly important in such a role; when she enters, she takes command of the stage. I watched her first scenes with opera glasses and was also impressed with the more subtle shadings in her character in evidence when watching her more closely. Every bit of body language is thought out and followed through, whether it's constantly standing with her feet pointing outward or the dramatic turn she makes each time she ascends the stairs to the nursery. (There's also a wonderful moment where she slides up the bannister, just as in the film.) The body language isn't simply done for show; it's a part of Leigh fully inhabiting the character.

The new songs, by George Stiles and Anthony Drewe, served their purpose dramatically but frankly are completely unmemorable, paling alongside the melodies and emotional pull of "Chim Chim Cher-ee," "Feed the Birds," and "Let's Go Fly a Kite." I was disappointed that the big song and dance finale was set to a new song, "Anything Can Happen," rather than a Sherman Brothers song.

As with a production of BEAUTY AND THE BEAST seen at Segerstrom last November, the sound left something to be desired, particularly in the earliest scenes. Dialogue was a bit muffled, though it seemed to become easier to understand as the show went on. Especially in the early scenes, I was glad I already knew the lyrics and some of the bits of dialogue. The sound was absolutely crystal clear in the two performances I saw of SOUTH PACIFIC last fall, so I'm not sure what accounts for the different sound quality in the same venue.

The rest of the set design was truly excellent, particularly the intimidating bank interior, the park, St. Paul's, and the "rooftops of London." Special effects were also outstanding; in addition to the flying and dancing moments mentioned above, there were a number of other really well-done bits of magic.
For more on the show, here's a thumbs up from the Long Beach Press-Telegram, and an additional review from the Orange County Register.
All in all, a very worthwhile and interesting show which I'm glad to have experienced.
Related posts: Tonight's Theater: The Phantom of the Opera; Tonight's Theater: My Fair Lady; Tonight's Theater: South Pacific (October 14, 2010); Tonight's Theater: South Pacific (October 22, 2010); Tonight's Theater: Beauty and the Beast.
Really enjoyed this review. Sounds like a stunning production, especially as regards certain special effects.
Big sigh.
Thank you, Jacqueline, so glad you enjoyed reading it!
Irene, if by any chance your brother is a D23 member, there is a fantastic discount on tickets -- nearly half price. Needless to say, I think you'd really enjoy checking it out.
Best wishes,
Sounds like it was an excellent production and I'm glad you were able to enjoy it so much! What a treat. ;-)
After doing some research online I went down today and purchased a ticket using the "rush" system :) So even though I'm not a member of D23, I got a discount after all. I was surprised at the number of empty seats this afternoon.
I LOVED this production and agree with everything you said. I also had a hard time hearing and understanding everything in the beginning.
I'm so glad I went - the best thing I've seen in ages. Had to wipe tears from my eyes several times.
Irene, I'm so, so glad you found a way to get an affordable ticket, that's fantastic!! Loved hearing what you thought. Wonderful news!!!
Best wishes,
I saw the Broadway production and left amazed. I went back a couple of weeks later to see it again. It was even better the second time around.
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