Sunday, November 27, 2011

Best Wishes for a Very Happy Advent

Somehow the start of Advent always catches me by surprise; it may be hard to believe, but Christmas is four Sundays from today!

My sincere best wishes for a very happy and meaningful Advent season, leading to what I hope will be a wonderful Christmas celebration.


Blogger AK said...

And best wishes for the Christmas season for you, too!
(and, responding to your next article, I might put my vote in for a favorite Christmas movie, It Happened On Fifth Avenue, a film no one seems to have ever heard of!)

6:59 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thank you for the good wishes and the suggestion, Rob! I recorded IT HAPPENED ON FIFTH AVENUE from TCM in the past but have not yet caught up with it. I'm looking forward to it! Recommendations are always appreciated. :)

Best wishes,

7:34 PM  

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