Tonight's Movie: Guadalcanal Diary (1943)

GUADALCANAL DIARY is based on the book by correspondent Richard Tregaskis, played in the film by Reed Hadley.
It's a fairly standard WWII film, depicting the alternating boredom, misery, and sheer terror experienced by the first Marines to land on Guadalcanal.

The film is elevated by a fine cast. I especially liked Preston Foster as the Irish Catholic chaplain. The Marines are played by an impressive group of actors including Lloyd Nolan, Richard Conte, William Bendix, Anthony Quinn, Richard Jaeckel, Lionel Stander, Roy Roberts, and Minor Watson.

This film is available on DVD in the Fox War Classics series. Netflix has the DVD available and also shows the film via streaming. The DVD can also be rented from ClassicFlix.
GUADALCANAL DIARY also had a release on VHS.
This is probably my favorite WWII movie made during the war.
The fact that the film was made not long after the actual events was very interesting to me, seeing how it was depicted for American audiences while we were still mid-war.
Best wishes,
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