Wednesday, June 06, 2012

Singin' in the Rain (1952) Plays Theaters Nationwide on July 12th

On Thursday, July 12th, Turner Classic Movies will be sponsoring a nationwide 60th Anniversary Screening of SINGIN' IN THE RAIN (1952).

The screening will be preceded by a recorded discussion between Robert Osborne and Debbie Reynolds.

Tickets will go on sale this Friday, June 8th. Click here for a list of participating theaters.

The digital presentation follows TCM's previous anniversary presentations of WEST SIDE STORY (1961) and CASABLANCA (1942).

These screenings are a wonderful idea, although I have read there have been sporadic problems with the digital technology which makes these one-night nationwide showings possible. For example, some theatergoers saw the black and white CASABLANCA with strange red and green tints or stretched to widescreen.

Hopefully TCM and Fathom, the event coordinator, will have learned from past problems so the SINGIN' IN THE RAIN screening will go off everywhere without a hitch. Needless to say, it's a fantastic movie, and seeing it with a crowd is great fun. Highly, highly recommended!


Blogger Melissa Clark said...

I bought my ticket last week. I'm so excited to see this movie in the theater! It's one of my favorites. I hadn't heard about the technical issues - here's hoping those things get resolved.


2:44 PM  

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