Friday, April 19, 2013

Today at Disneyland: Friday Evening

It was a long week in some ways, and it was wonderful to slip away to Disneyland for a few hours tonight.

"The Happiest Place on Earth" always serves as a reminder of what's right with the world!

Some more of the gorgeous spring flowers recently planted at the park:

Disneyland recently honored economist Buzz Price, a Disney Legend who helped Walt Disney select the locations of both Disneyland and Walt Disney World, with a Main Street Tribute Window. The window can be found at City Hall.

It was difficult to get a good shot of the window without glare, but it can be seen in this Disney video.

We also spotted these "Wanted" posters in the walkway between Fantasy Faire and Frontierland:

More spring photos taken at Disneyland were posted here last week.


Blogger redcon1 said...

Always love your pictures of Disneyland, Laura. Reminds me of the many happy times I spent there. There's no Disneyland for us this summer, but will be visiting the World in July instead.

10:59 AM  
Blogger Aubyn said...

Great pictures, Laura!

By the way, I nominated you for a Liebster Award over at my blog.

6:33 PM  
Blogger Silver Screenings said...

Ahh, so refreshing to see the flowers. We just had a snowstorm two days ago, here in our corner of the world.

Also, great photo of Walt and Mickey.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thank you so much, Redcon1, I love knowing the pictures remind you of past visits. I envy you your visit to WDW, it has been too long since my last visit.

Aubyn, thank you so very much for the award, I appreciate the recognition more than I can say. I loved reading your post!

Silver Screenings, so strange to think we have flowers here yet there's snow elsewhere! Thank you as well for the feedback, it's lovely to know others have been able to vicariously enjoy our visit.

Hope you each have a great week!

Best wishes,

10:37 PM  

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