Tonight's Movie: Parkland (2013)

The film covers the chaos at Parkland Hospital as Drs. Jim Carrico (Zac Efron) and Malcolm Perry (Colin Hanks) attempt to save the President's life, although when Jacqueline Kennedy (Kat Steffens) hands Nurse Doris Nelson (Marcia Gay Harden) part of her husband's head one realizes he must have been beyond saving from the time he was shot.
In a bizarre twist, days later the exact same medical team found themselves trying to save the life of assassin Lee Harvey Oswald (Jeremy Strong).

I enjoy "tick-tock" procedurals and appreciated the way the film approached well-known history from a fresh perspective. By and large it was quite well acted, particularly by former Oscar winners Harden and Thornton. I found Efron took me out of the story a little bit, just because it's hard for me to get past him being pretty boy Zac Efron, but his character was a young resident so I guess in fairness there wasn't really anything wrong with the casting.

The movie was written and directed by Peter Landesman, based on a book by Vincent Bugliosi. Tom Hanks (father of Colin, who plays Dr. Perry) and Bill Paxton were among the film's many producers.
The film had a straightforward "you are there" documentary style similar to UNITED 93 (2006), so it was interesting to learn the films shared a cinematographer, Barry Ackroyd. Ackroyd also shot CONTRABAND (2012), a Mark Wahlberg film I reviewed two years ago.

For more on this film, here are reviews by Betsy Sharkey of the Los Angeles Times and Leonard Maltin.
The trailer is at IMDb.
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