Around the Blogosphere This Week

...Attention Westerns fans: This 10-film Western set is currently a fantastic deal at Amazon, just 50 cents a movie at the time of posting. Some of the titles in this set sell separately at $20 or so apiece. The prints are beautiful. I've seen a majority of films in the set and while there's one dud (WHEN THE DALTONS RODE), there are so many good films in the set it's really a "must buy." Enjoy!
...Here's Lara on the opening night of Noir City San Francisco at Backlots. The first night's screenings were WOMAN ON THE RUN (1950) and BORN TO BE BAD (1950).
...I really enjoyed Kendahl's new article for ClassicFlix, "Ladies in Exotic Exile." It's all about pre-Codes with ladies stranded in jungles, on islands, and the like, including SAFE IN HELL (1931), RED DUST (1932), and MANDALAY (1934).

...There were 10 million new Amazon Prime subscribers during the holiday shopping season.
...My recent review of KISS ME DEADLY (1955) was the source of some good discussion both here and on Twitter. I've been interested to learn I'm not the only one who was disappointed in the film. Kristina just took the film apart at Speakeasy as part of the Contrary to Popular Opinion blogathon, hosted by Sister Celluloid and Movies Silently.
...Be sure to check out the many other interesting Contrary to Popular Opinion blogathon links; I especially enjoyed Silver Screenings' take on THE POSTMAN ALWAYS RINGS TWICE (1946), as I found it rather a disappointment myself, and I was also interested to learn that Caftan Woman doesn't care for CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT (1945). I wish I'd had time to participate in this blogathon as it was a great idea.
...More from Kristina at Speakeasy: A Helen Gilbert photo gallery and a review of Gilbert's ISLE OF MISSING MEN (1942), which sounds like a lot of fun.

...Classic Reel Girl joins the fun with her list of 10 films to see in 2015.
...There's been concern about the future of the classic "Googie" style Norm's Restaurant building on La Cienaga, but for now it appears all is well. Norms was just declared a Historic Cultural Landmark.
...I came across a review of a book which sounds interesting for anyone who loves American history: THE HIDDEN WHITE HOUSE: HARRY TRUMAN AND THE RECONSTRUCTION OF AMERICA'S MOST FAMOUS RESIDENCE by Robert Klara.
...Here's Jake Hinkson at Bright Lights Film Journal on the career of actor-director Norman Foster, whose work encompassed the Peter Lorre Mr. Moto series, Disney's DAVY CROCKETT, and film noir. Foster's WOMAN ON THE RUN (1950), also mentioned near the top of this post, was recently restored by the Film Noir Foundation; I hope to see it at this year's Noir City Film Festival in Hollywood.
...Here's a free online film history course coming next month from Wesleyan University: "The Language of Hollywood: Storytelling, Sound, and Color." Visit the link for the course description and details on how to sign up.
...There are more interesting titles coming to DVD from Olive Films this spring; Toby describes two of the films, THE QUIET GUN (1956) and STRANGER AT MY DOOR (1956), at 50 Westerns From the 50s.
...Raquel just reviewed ON BORROWED TIME (1939), a Lionel Barrymore film I've never seen, at Out of the Past. It sounds really different.
...I plan to attend the special screening of LIBELED LADY (1936) hosted by the Black Maria website at the Silent Movie Theatre on January 30th. I appreciate the invitation, and I'll be reporting on the evening here!
Have a great week!
Hi Laura,
I'm really thrilled that the word is spreading on these wonderful Paramount B
crime thrillers especially the 4 "J Edgar Hoover" films.
If people love B Crime Thrillers; films like PRISON FARM,TIP OFF GIRLS,KING OF
I recently tracked down the ultra rare WOMEN WITHOUT NAMES and found it a real
blast. I'm further delighted that the very esteemed Lou Lumenick is getting on the
case,I always really enjoy his writing on film.
Robert Florey and Louis King are criminally underrated directors and those two
gentlemen sure knew what made a great B Movie click.
Thanks again Laura for starting the ball rolling with your lovely reviews of
The four "Hoover" films on a TCM set would be more than wonderful.
Thanks for the shout out and the western collection tip.
My rather poor DVD of "Woman on the Run" is a favourite, a restored version will probably make my head explode.
Thanks so much Laura for the mentions! That a great piece on Ladies in Exotic Exile, love how they always had a killer wardrobe and makeup no matter the conditions. Very interested as well in those "Hoover" movies after your reviews, and so great to see so many people make their 10's for 2015!
Thanks for the hat tip Laura. I think I've told you before that sometimes that's how I know my ClassicFlix stuff has gone up! That Wesleyan course sounds interesting--I loved the Basinger course about marriage--but oh to find the time!
Thanks to you all for your comments!
John, I'm so glad you introduced me to these Paramount Bs. Hope they will become better known!
Caftan Woman, I've never seen WOMAN ON THE RUN and loved your comment. It's going to be at Noir City Hollywood, I'm excited to see it!
You're welcome, Kristina! I thought the Ladies in Exotic Exile was a great theme -- it's funny how many times that happens to women in pre-Codes!
That is funny about finding out your CF posts are up here, KC! I enjoyed part of the Basinger course too but ran out of time to finish it up! So many great options we have to explore. Would like to check out this new course too, wonder if I'll have more time!
Best wishes,
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