Friday, January 16, 2015

Favorite Film Discoveries of 2014

I'm delighted to announce that my Favorite Film Discoveries of 2014 are now posted at Rupert Pupkin Speaks!

It was another great viewing year so narrowing my list to a dozen titles was a real challenge. In fact, readers who make it to the very end of the list will find another ten titles listed which there wasn't room to discuss, but all those titles can be searched here at Laura's Miscellaneous Musings for more information.

My 2013 list was one of my favorite things to write last year, and I'm especially thrilled that a couple of those titles went on to make the 2014 Favorite Discoveries of Brian, esteemed proprietor of the Rupert Pupkin site.

I strongly encourage checking out the films on either of my Favorite Discoveries lists! I believe I can safely guarantee many hours of outstanding entertainment.

Many thanks to Brian for the invitation to participate again this year, as well as for his kind words.

Previous guest posts at Rupert Pupkin Speaks: Favorite Film Discoveries of 2013, Five Underrated Comedies, Five Underrated Westerns, Five Underrated Mystery/Detective Films, Five Underrated Action/Adventure Films, and Five Underrated Thrillers.


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