Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Photos From the Road: Portland and the Oregon Zoo

Our trip to Portland last month was my first visit to my husband's birthplace.

I liked the light, airy airport, where a guitarist quietly serenaded everyone after our mid-morning landing.

We drove past this great theater, which dates from 1926.

Another wonderful old theater we happened to drive past, the Aladdin, opened in 1928. Jack Benny played here in vaudeville days. It was wonderful to see that such historic theaters exist in Portland -- and are still in use!

The scenery in Portland was certainly nice -- green everywhere!

We headed straight to the Oregon Zoo! It's one of a couple zoos I've followed on Twitter for quite a while now, so I was very happy to see it in person after enjoying so many photographs shared on the zoo's account.

The Oregon Zoo is truly beautiful, with many shady paths and, like the town itself, lots of green!

The river otters were my favorites -- a little difficult to photograph through glass but so much fun to watch!

We were especially impressed with the huge Elephant Lands, with a variety of indoor and outdoor habitats for the elephants to explore.

We were also quite pleasantly surprised by the food in the Zoo's Cascade Grill. It was very good!

Late in the afternoon we headed from the zoo to check in at the Kennedy School Hotel, photos of which may be seen here.

Photos from the Road coming soon: The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland, the Evergreen Aviation & Space Museum in McMinnville, and the Lane County Fair in Eugene.


Blogger Jerry Entract said...

Coincidentally, Laura, our daughter and her family have been in Oregon in the past few days. I know they stayed in Portland (I must ask her which hotel they stayed in - I gather it was a historic building). Now I shall have a better picture of how lovely (and green) it all looks when I chat to her, thanks to your great pictures.

3:25 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Jerry, that's amazing your daughter's family has been in Oregon so soon after I was there! I'd love to know where they stayed - it would be great fun if it turned out it was the Kennedy School Hotel. Delighted you could enjoy my pics with that family background!

Best wishes,

1:47 PM  

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