Around the Blogosphere This Week

...TCM has announced the lineup for this summer's Essentials Jr. series, again hosted by Bill Hader. The season leads off on June 2nd with THE COURT JESTER (1956). Will of Cinematically Insane shares more thoughts on the upcoming season.

...Congrats to Kim of GlamAmor who will be hosting two films at the TCM Festival. Kim, an expert on movie fashions, will be introducing A FOREIGN AFFAIR (1948) and FLYING DOWN TO RIO (1933). I've had the pleasure of meeting Kim at a few screenings and am delighted so many other classic film fans will have the chance to get to know her via her introductions.
...Jessica's heading to Hollywood this week, and so are Aurora and Lara. Links to a few more festival-goers' posts can be found here.
...The Chinese Theatre is going to become an IMAX theater?

...Cliff's interesting articles at Immortal Ephemera of late include a profile of Elizabeth Allan, who starred in DAVID COPPERFIELD (1935) and A TALE OF TWO CITIES (1935), and a comparison of PUBLIC ENEMY'S WIFE (1936) and its remake BULLETS FOR O'HARA (1941). I briefly reviewed PUBLIC ENEMY'S WIFE back in 2007. Now I need to watch the remake, which I recently recorded.

...Vienna shares my love for "B" movies -- I've got to see MEXICAN MANHUNT (1953) with George Brent!
...I'm a bit behind on keeping up with blogathon news, having spent so much time driving back and forth to film festivals in Los Angeles the last few weeks! Traveling to see movies means I haven't been reading about them quite as much as usual. Jessica of Comet Over Hollywood is hosting a blogathon on child actors next May 24th-26th. Details are here...And May 3rd through 10th there's a Mary Astor Blogathon, being hosted by Silver Screenings and Tales of the Easily Distracted. If you're hosting an upcoming classic film blogathon I've not previously mentioned, feel free to leave a comment and I'll include it in a future roundup!
...I also missed out on a recent James Cagney blogathon, but have been slowly catching up with many great posts, such as Caftan Woman's take on JOHNNY COME LATELY (1943), which I saw at UCLA in March. There were lots of interesting posts in the blogathon, and I encourage my readers to visit the links at the blogathon's host site, The Movie Projector.
...Speaking of Mary Astor, here's Greenbriar Picture Shows on RED DUST (1932). Fantastic photos, as always!

...Robby shares photos of two locations from BELLES ON THEIR TOES (1952) at Dear Old Hollywood. BELLES ON THEIR TOES starred Myrna Loy, Jeanne Crain, and Debra Paget, among others.
...RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO (1954) has been one of my favorite films seen this year, in a year of great films. It prompted me to seek out even more movies starring Audie Murphy and Dan Duryea. Colin writes about RIDE CLEAR OF DIABLO at Riding the High Country, and there's also an interesting discussion which follows in the comments.
...Last year I reviewed an excellent film, FROM THIS DAY FORWARD (1946), starring Joan Fontaine and Mark Stevens, supported by Rosemary DeCamp and Harry Morgan. It recently resurfaced online -- do yourself a favor and watch it while you still can. Fontaine in particular is outstanding. Hoping for a DVD release of this RKO film!
...Here's a great photo Tweeted from today's London Marathon.
...Sincere thanks to Aubyn of The Girl with the White Parasol for the Liebster Award, and be sure to check out Aubyn's blog. I especially enjoyed her recent review of DODGE CITY (1939).

...More notable passings: Spanish actress Sarita Montiel, also known as Sara Montiel, recently passed away at the age of 85. She starred in VERA CRUZ (1954) and SERENADE (1956) and was married for a few years to SERENADE director Anthony Mann...and Richard LeParmentier has passed away at age 66. LeParmentier had a small but memorable role in the original STAR WARS (1977) as an admiral who makes the mistake of doubting the power of Darth Vader and the Force.

...Please note that next weekend there will not be an Around the Blogosphere This Week column due to my attendance at the TCM Classic Film Festival April 25th through 28th.
Have a great week!
Always a favorite weekly read - thanks again for highlighting posts around the blogosphere.
I'd love to hear Kim's comments on A FOREIGN AFFAIR which I love because of Jean Arthur. Jean's rendition of the Iowa state song is priceless!
Thanks for mentioning my blog. It always means a traffic increase, so very welcome.
I don't suppose you could put me right on how to highlight a blog or subject in my posts , so folk can just click on it?
I have tried without success.
Look forward to your TCM Festival posts.
Thanks for the tip on the Fontaine film. Sounds interesting. So I'm thinking I'll make next year's TCM Filmfest. I said that last year too, but I'm feeling much more determined this year!
Thanks for the mention, Laura.
"From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler" is a book that really captivated me as a little kid. I love that all your kids read your copy!
You're very welcome, Vienna! It sounds like you need help with clickable hyperlinks? Tried to type a sample of how to type the code here but Blogger isn't liking it (grin). Please drop me a line at and I'll try to lend a hand!
Best wishes,
KC, I hope you enjoy FROM THIS DAY FORWARD. I found it fascinating watching it in close proximity to THE CONSTANT NYMPH, it really helped me gain a new appreciation for Fontaine's range and how she differentiates her characters.
I'd *love* for you to be at the TCM Fest next year, that would be great!
Best wishes,
You're welcome, Will, I enjoyed your analysis of the upcoming season!
Love knowing that you enjoyed FROM THE MIXED-UP FILES too. I found that it's a book which appealed equally to my sons and my daughters, such a great kids' adventure and Claudia's relationship with her brother interests young readers as well. Of course, rereading with my kids as an adult, I put myself in the place of a parent and the "adventure" looks a little different, LOL. But that's one of the things about a great book, you get different things out of it at different times of life.
Best wishes,
Thanks for the mention Laura - your support is always most welcome.
Laura, I'm embarrassed to admit I've been so wildly busy (but happy) with our Mary Astor Blogathon, I don't think my friend and co-hostess R.A. Kerr and I ever actually got around to thanking you for being kind enough to spread the good word about it! Sorry I didn't say it sooner, but thanks a million for your help and overall niftiness! :-D
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