Monday, May 01, 2006

Selective Causes?

Does it strike anyone else as odd that George Clooney, who vehemently opposed the war in Iraq, is demanding that the United States step in to end the genocide in Darfur?

Why were we wrong to act in Iraq, but he demands we act in Darfur? Saddam Hussein was, after all, a mass murderer and torturer who used chemical weapons on his own people. Thousands of Kurds died as a result of genocide in Iraq.

Clooney seems to be very selective about the countries for which he's willing to take a stand calling for the U.S. to effect an end to genocide.

Update: An interesting related story: Captain's Quarters and Power Line post that newly translated documents show that Iraq had banned nerve gas detectors in the year 2000. They were banned because they could be used to protect Iraqi soldiers who were offensively deploying nerve gas.

As the documents from Saddam's regime are (belatedly) translated, they certainly seem to contradict the "Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction" canard the left has been clinging to for the last couple years.


Blogger Laura said...

True! Good question -- TTYS, Laura

4:14 PM  

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