Wednesday, June 21, 2006

House Immigration Hearings Confirmed

The House has confirmed it intends to hold hearings this summer on the Senate's immigration bill.

As mentioned here last week, I think this is a good idea.

A majority of Republican senators did not support the Senate bill; many of these Republican senators support the House hearings, which will hopefully focus the nation's attention on the objectionable provisions in the Senate bill.

Update: Tom Bevan of Real Clear Politics opines on why the immigration reform bill is better off dead, as it may be after the House's summer hearings.

Rush Limbaugh said today that while the media may attempt to paint the stalled immigration bill as a "conservative crackup," it was actually another successful "conservative crackdown": "The bottom line is, this immigration bill, the Senate bill, is dead, it is killed, and you did it. Make no mistake. This is an illustration, I have always thought that on balance, an informed, educated, participating American populous [sic] will get what it wants." (This page appears to be available to readers on the "free" portion of Rush's site.)


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