Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Around the Blogosphere This Week

I've been in the midst of a work crunch the last few days, so blogging has been a bit lighter than usual at times. Here are some interesting odds and ends collected for your reading pleasure:

At the subject link, Wesley J. Smith of the blog Secondhand Smoke writes on The Magnificent Tony Snow. Tony recently sat down with David Gregory for an extended interview.

More Curious Details Emerge in SC Case: Dan Riehl at Riehl World View. According to the Charleston Post and Courier the men's trunk contained pipe bombs; however, "Authorities say they don't suspect terrorism was a motive in the case, but they remain tight-lipped about the contents of the trunk and what they could have been used for." C'mon, folks: bombs=terrorism. (For previous discussion, see last Sunday's post.)

Books: Joy of Cooking: Cooking for Engineers recently reviewed last fall's 75th Anniversary edition. The review includes side-by-side comparisons of pages from the new book and the previous edition.

Why I See John Edwards as a Big Phony: Brad Warthen, editorial page editor of South Carolina's The State, blogs about a few incidents which combined to convince him John Edwards is a phony. If we give Edwards a pass for Strikes 1 and 2, there's still no excuse for Edwards' behavior in Strike 3, keeping supporters waiting in a park while he went jogging.

Barry Bonds' HR Record Tainted by Elbow 'Armor'?: A column by Michael Witte in Editor and Publisher offers a new wrinkle in the ongoing controversy over Barry Bonds and the home run record. Witte reports, you decide.

A Relic of Hollywood's Golden Era Gives Up the Ghost: Jack Oakie's widow, Victoria, left their ranch home to the USC School of Cinematic Arts, and it is soon to be sold to developers to raise money for the school. Some folks aren't happy about it. The home was originally built in 1937 for Barbara Stanwyck. The architect was USC alumnus Paul R. Williams.

Sophia Loren Poses With Family for Hello! Magazine: We should all look so amazing in our '70s. NCIS fans, take note of the identity of one of Sophia's daughters-in-law.


Blogger UGN said...

I tagged you for one of those thingys. I have never done it before. Hope that doesn't annoy you.

1:06 AM  
Blogger Dana said...

1. Tony Snow is so eloquent through his suffering. Whether right of left, he is to be admired.

2. We all carry pipe bombs in our trunks while driving next to military bases, right?

3. Agh. Thank God for microwaves.

4. Edwards - 3 strikes, he's out...not that he was ever in.

5. I liked his 'double duplicity'...its hard to not agree with Witte's assessment.

6. This was an interesting comment by the Dean of USC Cin. Arts, " and other appropriate means of perpetuating the memory of Jack Oakie." Kind've leaves the door of subjectivity wide open - who gets to determine and decide what it 'appropriate?

7. This is just really, really unfair!

9:01 PM  
Blogger Laura said...


UGN, of course it doesn't annoy me. :) Thanks for thinking of me. I enjoyed reading yours! I've been buried in extra work (hence so quiet here) so I'll see how the time and brain power goes being able to think of something to say to participate. I don't feel very creative thinking of things about myself (grin). Thanks much!

Dana, really enjoyed your comments, gave me a smile! Thanks so much.


9:45 PM  

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