Happy Birthday to Deanna Durbin

I hope Deanna is having a marvelous day, most likely somewhere in France, where she has lived for decades. I wish there were a way to convey to her my appreciation for the joy her films have brought to my life.
In honor of the day, I'm posting links to reviews of Deanna Durbin movies. The films are listed in the order I've seen them; each review contains information on the film's availability on video or DVD:

I had never seen a Durbin film until a couple of years ago and have been making up for lost time. Favorites include IT STARTED WITH EVE, FIRST LOVE, HIS BUTLER'S SISTER, and CAN'T HELP SINGING, but I've enjoyed each and every one of her films seen to date.
I'd love others to experience the same enjoyment I've received from her films. If you're unfamiliar with Deanna's work, I highly recommend trying one out.
Update: Birthday tributes from Classic Forever and Classic Movies.
A very happy 88th birthday to our precious Deanna and many more to come!!
Thanks for the links!
I've loved Deanna Durbin movies for a very long time now, I think since the 1960s although it was TCM that allowed me to see them over and over again. Thanks for your site.
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