Monday, February 15, 2010

Today at Disneyland: President's Day

After a rainy couple of weeks, it's been a beautiful holiday weekend here in Southern California.

Our daughter was home from college for the first time this semester, so early this morning we went out to spend a few hours at Disneyland before it was time for her to head back to campus.

The day couldn't have been nicer:

The low-key Valentine's decorations around Town Square were a fresh new touch.

I loved the tulips around the Partners statue at the Hub!

The Rivers of America area is walled off for a few weeks for refurbishment.

We enjoyed a nice lunch on the patio at Rancho Del Zocalo before heading home early this afternoon.

It was crowded but not unmanageably so. We were able to enjoy a few rides along with window shopping and simply enjoying walking around the park on a beautiful morning.

Happy President's Day!


Blogger Irene said...

The colors in your photos are so vibrant! Very nice.

6:08 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thanks so much, Irene! I hope we can meet up out there again sometime this year. :)

Have you ever seen the "Ticket Book" notepads in any of the stores? We've been out there twice this year and I've never run across them.

Best wishes,

6:19 PM  
Blogger Irene said...

No I haven't. They sound cute and also very popular. I'll keep my eye open.

7:20 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thanks for the info, Irene!

Another friend wrote last night and said she saw them quite a while back -- probably when they first came out. Hopefully Disneyland will stock more later in the year. It would make good business sense. :)

Best wishes,

8:09 AM  
Blogger Philip Marlowe said...

Beautiful photos that only serve to make me jealous! I've never been to Disneyland though being a native Floridian, I've visited Walt Disney World many times; my wife and I are going again in late April.

7:58 AM  
Blogger Laura said...

Thanks for stopping by, and have a wonderful time at WDW, C.K.! I love all the varied resorts there.

Hope you'll have the opportunity at some point in the future to visit the park where it all began. :)

Best wishes,

8:24 AM  

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