Around the Blogosphere This Week

...CNET had an interesting article last week on "Netflix's Lost Year: The Inside Story of the Price-Hike Train Wreck." Hard to believe, but it's been a year since the infamous price hike, which was quickly followed by the shark-jumping Qwikster debacle.
...Here's an interview with Ben Mankiewicz, who says working as a host on Turner Classic Movies "is a big responsibility," as classic film fans "really see you as playing a critical role in protecting something in their lives that they love."

...And Slate has an illuminating article on Amazon's future plans, speculating that the company gave up fighting collecting sales taxes in numerous states because of plans to open distribution centers offering same-day delivery in areas with large populations, such as California.

...The Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, Michigan, which was memorably featured in the 1980 fantasy film SOMEWHERE IN TIME, just turned 125 years old.
...Lou Lumenick shares infomation on the debut of the new Fox Cinema Archives DVD program.
...Jacqueline has a fun look at MILDRED PIERCE (1945) at Another Old Movie Blog, paying particular attention to the film's cinematography. I got a kick out of her comment "Bess Flowers shows up as a restaurant patron, but really, that is to be expected. She's a walk-on in everything. I noticed her in one of my old vacation videos."

...Attention Southern Californians: UCLA has great series coming up later this summer featuring the work of Rod Serling and Jean Arthur, as well as a tribute to choreographer Jack Cole featuring Mitzi Gaynor. I'll share more info here in the future.
Have a great week!
Wow - just WOW about the Amazon thing. It both amazes me and horrifies me (for the sake of the retail friends in my small town).
We wanted to take my nephew to see Singin' in the Rain, but because they released it on a Thursday, we couldn't get time off to go. I've seen it big screen before and absolutely loved it big. Very sad we couldn't make it. Wish they'd release these on a Saturday or something. One-day releases that are weekdays? Problematic...
Bess and I thank you for the mention. Now we're off to have the oil changed in the car. I CAN'T GET RID OF HER.
I went to see Signin' in the Rain and it was delightful. The theater was full and it was so fun when everyone laughed at the right times and applauded each big musical number. I'm looking forward to more events like this. Another thing that made it fun was it actually did rain on the way over and it was raining again when we came out. As I put up my umbrella I wanted to start singing and dancing :))
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