
Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nine-Year Bloggiversary!

July 16th, 2014, marks this blog's ninth anniversary!

This is always a good date to reflect on the wonderful opportunities which have come my way thanks to blogging, and I'm most grateful of all for the many terrific people who have extended their friendship to me.

Nine years ago I never could have anticipated all the directions blogging would lead, and I feel especially moved as I think of so many friends who have become a special part of my life.

I've said it in the past, but it's no less true today -- it's a joy to share my love of classic films and Disney, but it wouldn't mean much without all the friends made during the journey of the past nine years!

I am deeply grateful, and I look forward to seeing what's ahead as Laura's Miscellaneous Musings heads toward the completion of its first decade!

Previous blog anniversaries: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.


  1. Happy!


    ;-) Missy

  2. Thanks so much, Missy! You must have been one of my earliest readers, which I sure appreciate!! :)

    Best wishes,

  3. You were one of my earliest readers too...till I quit blogging. Just don't have time for it. Still twee though. How come we never have Tweetiversaries? ;-) --Missy

  4. Well, I may be one of your newest readers, Laura, but it has become a "must" addition to my life. The friendships with people who share your love of classic cinema is priceless!

    Many, many CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!

    Best wishes for the next 9,

  5. I miss your blog, Missy!

    Jerry, it's been so great getting to know you and sharing our love of movies, especially the more obscure titles. :) I hope everyone will pop over to Rupert Pupkin Speaks and read Jerry's selections for favorite underrated action-adventure films!

    Best wishes,

  6. Happy anniversary, Laura! Wishing you many more great blogging years!

  7. Happy anniversary! So happy you're still blogging. I love everything about your blog, from Disneyland pics/updates, to all the movie stuff.

    Here's to many more anniversaries in the future!

  8. Wishing you a very Happy 9th Bloggiversary, Laura!! Thank you for the joy you bring to all your readers. (Now that I'm retired I look forward to joining you at more local screenings!) Warm wishes, Jane

  9. Congratulations. You've enriched our lives.

  10. Congrats on your blogiversary! I love your blog

  11. Congrats Laura! Time goes by so fast!

  12. Thank you, Eve, I appreciate it!

    Deb, thanks so much, and I'm so glad to know you enjoy the Disney pics as well as the movie stuff. :) Hope to see you before to long either at Disneyland or a movie -- there's some really good stuff coming to UCLA over the next few months!

    Jane, I'm so excited that your retirement might mean more time for movies! I'll be at UCLA on July 26th and hopefully a few times in August too. :) And let's definitely try to meet for dinner sometime too!

    Caftan Woman, Amanda and Robby -- I really appreciate the support and friendship from each one of you! The classic film blogging community is simply terrific. :)

    Best wishes,

  13. Congratulations, Laura.

    I hope you continue your fine blog for many more years to come.

  14. Thanks so much, Mel, and thanks as well for the many kindnesses you've extended to me - the many things you've shared have been greatly appreciated! :) :)

    Best wishes,

  15. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Many congratulations,Laura.
    I only discovered the blogosphere a couple of years ago and yours was one of the first I started following.
    Here's to many more years.
    And thank you for your support for new bloggers like myself.

  16. Happy Anniversary a day late because I was at ... wait for it ... Disneyland yesterday :)
    I so appreciate your blog and never miss it. Have learned so much about old movies, book, etc. from reading what you have researched.
    By the way, things have changed a lot in Frontierland and the Golden Horseshoe in the last week. Whether for the better I guess only time will tell!

  17. late to the party but I brought my kazoo! Happy 9th and many more! thanks for all the great writing and goodies on your awesome blog :)

  18. Thank you, Vienna! It's been a pleasure getting to know you and enjoying your blog! :)

    Thanks so much for your longtime friendship and support, Irene! I'm so happy I've been able to share my love of movies and Disney with you and help you find some things you liked too!

    What I've read about Frontierland is so confusing it makes my head hurt, so I'm trying to ignore it and hoping it just fades away, LOL!!

    Kristina, you are also someone I so appreciate both for your support and friendship but also for your awesome blogging, and going back to before I even knew you, your work with Karen on the Dark Pages! Thanks so much. :)

    Best wishes,

  19. Happy anniversary my friend! You are an amazing writer and your love of movies is truly inspirational.

  20. Thank you so much, KC! What a joy to finally meet you in person and get to spend time together at TCMFF this past spring!!

    Best wishes,
